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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Everyone knew you were a chicken who wouldn't live up to your own communist bullshit.
  2. Legal first, last, and middle name, Jer. Bauk-bauk. Don't be a coward.
  3. Do you not understand what the word "full" means?
  4. Alright, tell everyone what your full legal name is. You've got nothing to hide so don't be a coward. Out with it.
  5. Chelsea's BPD finally has a body count. LOL Well unless you count the guy she said she stabbed to death. Then it's up to 2.
  6. Astral Chain is quite good so far. Amazon shipped early and I've had it since Wednesday. I'm a few hours in, I really like the art direction, the techno music is great, the combat's simple but controlling two characters at once in combat is an interesting twist, and it has that Japanese charm to it. Also when you die, you have batteries that jolt you back to life, so it's looking like it's going to be another trip into Japanese android existentialism, but I'm always fine with that. This is the first time I've gotten into a game in ages.
  7. My bottom ones came in completely perpendicular below the gum-line and had to be cut out from my jaw. Top ones came in fine.
  8. I can see why you try to be Zen and not react when people ridicule your personal life because you've accomplished so little. What else can you do at that point?
  9. Berkeley on a full scholarship, Pygmy Jerry. Where did you go?
  10. Pygmy Jerry's acne scares makes Edward James Olmos think it could've been a lot worse.
  11. Jerry trying to convince Lostfool to back strict gun control so neither of them have the opportunity to go postal is the Scorsese follow-up to Taxi Driver that was never made because Scorsese had enough faith in his talent not to repeat himself.
  12. The charge port's still on the bottom and the battery life still stinks. I kinda like the yellow though.
  13. I'll go with the obvious answer: He's deeply insecure about being a failure and he compensates with a pathological need to win any and all arguments to prove he isn't entirely worthless. And getting the last word in no matter what is a face-saving coping mechanism for when he can't win an argument. His poor brother. I really wonder if his mom made him promise on her deathbed to take care of Jerry. Can you imagine living with him? (See Jer, that's a correct use of the word pathological.)
  14. His brother's computer desk. "Clean up the fucking desk, dude!" "Can't right now......I'm owning the incels...." "You've never had a girlfriend! I wish I never promised mom I'd take care of you when she was dying. Pick up the fucking crisping sleeves!"
  15. Scenario: You're in Hell. You just found out that you ate a tub of ice cream that a Hoe Troll licked and put back on the store shelf. She probably hasn't had as many Hoe Night Stands as donut-licker Ariana Grand, but it's not looking good. You're worried about everything from getting influenza to herpes. Which diseases transmitted by saliva can stand up to a few hours in a grocery store's refrigerated cases? You want to see a doctor but your only choices are Dynamite and Jerry. Dynamite says you're screwed. That shit can survive on the the surf
  16. Love animals but I have a Biblical hatred of flies. I capture spiders when I find them inside my house and release them outside. My backyard looks like a Disney film because I feed the squirrels and birds everyday. My downstairs bathroom is stacked with boxes of nuts and seeds I bought for them.
  17. Twitchy action gameplay, exploration with surprising things to discover, art direction, and then good music always helps too. Once in a while I get in the mood for a puzzle game. I'm not into stories and characters. I skip most cutscenes, even in RPGs. I don't watch fiction on TV and rarely watch movies either. It's not that I don't like fiction, it's that I read/watched so much when I was younger that it's almost completely lost its ability to surprise me, and I really dislike watching reruns. When I do watch movies, I sit with the remote and constantly fast-forward through scene
  18. I just read how bad it is. I can put up with everything but input lag. Oh well, I'll just return it.
  19. What did you think about it otherwise?
  20. The superior Switch version is $32 at Amazon right now. What the hell, just ordered it. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07NN68JPN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
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