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Everything posted by 54212

  1. I don't think Platinum would do it. They started the company so they'd have more creative freedom, and Inaba said two weeks ago that Platinum's rolling out an ambitious new business plan that will finally allow them to own their IPs and self-publish. They've been working hard to get to that point and I can't see them throwing the opportunity away right when they finally get to try it. Personally I don't want to see them stuck making Donkey Kong games like Retro. It's great that Platinum's been able to work on so may new IPs.
  2. Noah negotiated a worse deal for us? Drowning's a lot better then getting set on fire. Dude...
  3. Finally watched all the new clips. Bleeding Edge putting the fat feminist on a unicycle mobility scooter is pretty perfect. Also looks like Mikami is going to be speaking on stage.
  4. How can it be anything other than the humiliating name Google gives their own employees: Googlers. And unban Ghostz for God's sake. This place is already dead enough.
  5. I barely play games anymore, almost all the people I liked talking about political/social issues with are gone, and not much fun happens here anymore. I'll always have a soft spot for this place but it is what it is.
  6. Phil's engaging in Progressive Fragility whereby progs exaggerate "oppression" in order to increase their control over society. Here's the lie he uses to justify increased control: "But it also comes at a time when digital life includes a growing toxic stew of hate speech, bigotry and misogyny." The data overwhelmingly shows the West is more tolerant of protected classes than ever before. And you can bet the farm that this line means "we're going to staff the Defenders of Joy (dear God) with SJWs, and it has nothing to do with viewpoint diversi
  7. If you're not into Breath of the Wild, I wouldn't buy a Switch yet. You're going to be really disappointed. Xenoblade II has boring MMO combat (I heard the sequel's combat is a lot better but it's only a ~15 hour game), and Odyssey's fun enough but it's not innovative or that fresh.
  8. They also prevent fertilized eggs from attaching to the walls of uterus. The pro-choice argument is that the medical community generally defines the beginning of pregnancy as implanation, so therefore they don't act as abortifacient, but if the egg is fertilized, and the pill caused implantation not to occur, logically, it's an abortifacient. In those instances, the pill was the cause of preventing a fertilized egg from further developing.
  9. It's also worth pointing out that birth control pills are abortifacients. They don't prevent the egg from being fertilized, they prevent it from attaching to the walls of the uterus. Just something to consider if you're in the camp that thinks the right to life should be granted at conception--you may want to start using condoms instead.
  10. "Living being" isn't a scientific term. A zygote is a living organism. How can anyone over the age of 10 not know this? https://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Living_thing Do I get into this? I guess I will. I'm pro-choice and I've done pro-choice lobbying but Jerry's going to make me rethink my position because how can anything possibly be right if Jerry agrees with it? But for what it's worth, having debated this in good faith endlessly with educated conservative Christians and Jews, I think it's ultimately a pretty simple issue
  11. Incel Jerry giving advice about sex and relationships
  12. When I said "consumers begin to view all games as being the same value" I didn't mean all games and I didn't mean all consumers. There are exceptions. Like Nintendo games, console games, sports and racing games, sleeper hits like Nier, AAAs...but those make up only 0.5% of games.
  13. You think someone else being erratic makes you not erratic? Are you confused? You sound confused.
  14. Your main goal is to stop Trump so you voted for Johnson instead of Clinton, radically changed your values for God knows what reason, and now you're backing the far left instead of the center because they're....more electable? Yeah that's not erratic.
  15. Dude you went from voting for the libertarians to cheering on woke communism, and you're criticizing people for being erratic? Can you project any harder?
  16. Right and it still didn't increase labor force participation. Cost is the primary issue. Where else has it been tried?
  17. When I said "consumers begin to view all games as being the same value" I didn't mean all games and I didn't mean all consumers.
  18. Cost. It didn't increase labor force participation in Finland. And that's Findland, which is one of the most disciplined cultures in the world. Where else has it been tried?
  19. It's the priciest socialist welfare program on the list, it's not means tested, and the moral hazards are almost entirely untested. I think it's irresponsible to pitch implementing it wholesale at this point.
  20. This quote is another gem: Madden and CoD are annual GotY material. Also what does wicked hot mean if not a measure of how fast it's selling, so hey did you know that only fast selling games sell fast? Pithy.
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