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Everything posted by 54212

  1. And that, children, is why AAA game budgets continue to balloon with Halo Infinite being rumored to have a budget of half a billion. Wait, what...? Hold on. Take two. And that children is why Nintendo games go on sale shortly after release. Wait, oh. Huh. Take three. Well you see core gamers think Flappy Bird and RDR2 are the same quality because of Valve. *adjusts aluminum foil pussy hat* If anyone needs to kill some time by going on the Sperg-Go-Round, ask Jerry to prove this batshit claim.
  2. The progs' platform of Woke Communism is pretty funny. The government is Santa Clause and we're going to rig the system to create a permanent Democrat lock on power. Medicaid-for-all UBI Free college Reparations Fund Green New Deal 70% top marginal tax rate Pack the Supreme Court Lower the voting age to 16 Puerto Rico and DC statehood or better yet abolish the Senate Abolish the Electoral College De facto open borders Citizenship for illegals Ban guns Impose hate speech laws Intersectional rule of law They seem determined to get Trump
  3. When SJWs back a film and it fails, it's proof that our culture is racist, misogynist, blah-blah-blah. When one succeeds, it's proof that SJWs are winning the culture war. Derp
  4. In which progs suddenly are stricken with amnesia in order to stall and avoid explaining their hypocritical bullshit: The Usual Suspects: NBC: 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' reactions show how right-wing Twitter agitators adopted Russian tactics https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/star-wars-last-jedi-reactions-show-how-right-wing-twitter-ncna917081 Polygon: Star Wars: The Last Jedi backlash fueled by bots, trolls and political activists, study finds https://www.polygon.com/2018/10/2/17927554/star-wars-last-jedi-backlash-study-rian-johnson-trolls-russ
  5. Progs can't answer. It'll be stalling tactics from here on out.
  6. Is this a serious post? The prog press stanned hard for it.
  7. Then why did all the SJW signalling fail to help Ghostbusters and The Last Jedi?
  8. Yo progs, I'm confused. Did Ghostbusters and The Last Jedi fail because of toxic masculinity or not?
  9. But if it's just high-impact ABS plastic, shouldn't it pretty simple to correct printing inaccuracies and smooth out the chambers and barrel and get them to the right diameter? Would some acetone and a simple drill press do it? I barely follow this tech.
  10. The main problem with the musket was its low rate of fire because it's muzzle-loaded. I don't remember durability being a big issue. Why can't plastic guns be designed with cylinders or magazines?
  11. Why bother with DIYing metal guns when you can cheaply and easily print off a plastic gun?
  12. When I was laid up after ankle surgery I got really bored and did this.
  13. Dinosaurs are boring. New IPs New Ghosts 'n Goblins Mega Man EXE and Star Force collection
  14. I never read these threads, I just skim the last few posts. Get the CAD file from the dark web using Tor. And now progs are cool with the Patriot Act, ignoring the 4th, and searching everyone's file dls without probable cause?
  15. We need them for our upcoming civil war against the Intersectional Communists. California shall hella rise again.
  16. You asked what's wrong with her raising this kid, I answered. Be honest. It's like a scene from a bad sitcom: You're in the afterlife standing in line waiting to find out which body you're about to be reincarnated into. You get to the front of the line and the clerk hands you this: "Your mom's the bearded circus lady and she lives in a van down by the river." If you want to ask whether I think any trans people would make good parents, yeah I do. The grounded ones who I think are legitimate cases of "Wrong Brain in Wrong Body." Gotta go
  17. You don't understand civil libertartianism either? Jesus. Thinking something is immoral doesn't mean you think the government should therefore make it illegal. It's shitty to drink straight out of the milk carton without telling your family/housemates. That doesn't mean I want you arrested if you do it. I don't want the government to prohibit her from getting pregnant or being a parent. I want her to be morally intelligent about her choices and not be a selfish asshole who's chaining an anchor around a kid's leg from the moment they're born.
  18. But then again Michael is the person who voted for Gary Johnson, the libertarian candidate, because Gary promised to legalize pot and Michael thought that would help keep blacks out of jail. It never occurred to him what libertarians want to do to the government safety net and how that would affect blacks. This is level of brilliance I'm dealing with.
  19. Are you really this stupid? Eugenics is selective breeding based on the desirability of alleles. A woman who aborts their pregnancy because the fetus has a severe genetic birth defect is practicing eugenics by definition. She's screening for highly undesirable alleles and killing the fetus if they possess them. Instead of repeating moronic talking points fed to you by hack left-wing media outlets, try to actually think your arguments through for once. She's homeless, she didn't want kids, the odds are very high that she's severely mentally ill, and her lifest
  20. By that idiotic logic if a woman uses embryo screening to make sure she isn't impregnated with an embryo that has a severe birth defect, she's committing genocide. A woman that aborts a fetus because it has a severe birth defect is committing genocide. However if she has an abortion because she doesn't want to "get fat" that's just fine. You win the stupidest post of the day award. Most people don't win it this early in the day. Congrats?
  21. 1 and 3. I'm a transhumanist and strongly support eugenics, but this has nothing to do with eugenics, and you clearly don't understand what the term even means. I don't know of any studies that show poverty or transgenderism are heritable. She isn't an unfit parent because of her heritable genetics, she's an unfit parent because of her behavior. That said, your eugenics argument is still idiotic. If you have a heritable disease that would likely cause a lot of harm to your children and/or society, you have a moral obligation not to have them. 2. You're movi
  22. I'll play. This case is a recipe for disaster and they're being irresponsible by not putting the child up for adoption. 1. People shouldn't have children if they're severely mentally ill. Trans people have an astronomically high rate of severe mental illness even in trans-friendly societies. Swedish trans people have a much higher rate of attempted suicide than even Nazi concentration camp survivors. Does she have a history of mental illness? She very likely does or will. 2. They didn't want children and thought she was sterile because she's taking HRT. That's rarely a
  23. And the irony is Jerry's defending this bad parenting because he's hoping to score a bunch of incel NeetBux. Is there any way that Jerry isn't a failure as a man?
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