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Everything posted by 54212

  1. We're going through all the legal hoops in California right now to kill it so we can be permanently on daylight savings time.
  2. Capcom's in-house teams never hit a real rut. Lost Planet 2 and RE6 were there only big misses, and RE6 still managed to sell as many copies as RE5. It was Inafune's dumb Go West strategy that damaged their rep and nearly bankrupt them.
  3. Galaxy 2 is the best 3D Mario game by a wide margin.
  4. There's a movie pitch in here somewhere. The worst CGI characters in history must team up to save something or other. Scorpian King, Hulk, Garfield, random scenes of Brosnan's glacier surfing.
  5. Congrats, sir. I can't believe you can still get a 4 bedroom house in WA for $300k unless you're out in the sticks. Really well done.
  6. Females should be able to compete against males but not vice versa. I don't think the NFL, NBA, or MLB even have rules against hiring female players.
  7. People often ask me what it's like to always be right...
  8. Well shit. I knew they'd put only one on the cart but why RE0? Come on Capcom.
  9. You're all of that. People like you shouldn't even have the right to vote. Get off your lazy racist ass and start looking for a job.
  10. Yes Jerry but you're a racist who doesn't think blacks and Latinos are capable of doing white collar jobs, you're a parasite who refuses to work, you don't have an original idea in your head and parrot morons Sandy Cortez, so who cares what you want? "Gimme free stuff." How about fuck off.
  11. 54212

    Deep Down

    I was never impressed. It looked like a generic D&D dungeon crawler.
  12. Yes! And they don't have to appeal to the lems anymore so they can change the design of the main character so he's a dorkbro anymore.
  13. It's such a great year for Japan. I wish Konami would rejoin the fight but hopefully one day soon.
  14. Alinksy rule whatever: Hold them to their own standards. So when are the public executions set to start for these racists?
  15. Katy should've gotten offended and said they were goth shoes. "They have blue eyes!"
  16. It's $20.99. I haven't played it before and I just went to check it out but $20.99? Come on, SE.
  17. That was a great Nintendo Direct. Japan's truly back.
  18. The progs do. They call it digital blackface. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/digital-blackface-reaction-gifs https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-40931479/is-it-ok-to-use-black-emojis-and-gifs https://www.nytimes.com/video/arts/100000005615988/the-white-internets-love-affair-with-digital-blackface.html
  19. Hate it. I only buy digital when a game doesn't have a physical release, and even then only when they're on deep sale. Digital copies are glorified rentals. Look at what just happened to the Wii Shop Channel. The games I buy also tend to appreciate a lot. Gotcha Force and Rule of Rose each sell for around $250 on eBay. Haunting Ground is up there too.
  20. Trump: "I can moonwalk. I met Michael Jackson. Beautiful man. He told me my moonwalk was even better than his, and he's the greatest, right?"
  21. You won't get Medicare under Presidente AOC, you'll get Medicaid.
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