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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Truth to power, Imani. *raised fist: dark skin tone*
  2. Today's been the best day for political comedy since the day the Cohen boxing glove story broke and Trump grounded Nancy's plane while she was on the way to the airport.
  3. You mean he didn't steal it from them to give to losers like Jerry. That man's a saint.
  4. Trump can moonwalk better than Northam too. He's truly the first black president.
  5. Trump has decreased black unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history. Trump is the first president to truly care about black people.
  6. 252k seemed low for a mainline RE game so I got curious and checked. First week sales: 252k REMake 2 187k RE7 634k RE6 143k RE5 Gold Edition (Re-release) 319k RE5 142k RE4 GameCube 243k RE4 PS2 I double-checked the RE6 number. Man the marketing paid off for that dud.
  7. REmake and RE4 are both brilliant. Dear God what's wrong with some of you?
  8. The more I drink the more I like Rush. Peart's great. But still like Clem better. Long live mod. But Carmine Appice. This is a hell of a performance for a drummer.
  9. I've drank two bottles of wine and smoked a joint. It's Irresponsible Vacation Monday for me. Ignore my nonsense. There's no hope of getting a real discussion out of me right now.
  10. Rogers didn't kill for political reasons. He killed because he was an angry incel like you.
  11. 2016 Dallas police shooting. 6 dead and 11 injured. Are you this retarded?
  12. No sweetheart, you two claimed only the right loses its shit over things like shaver commericals, meanwhile you're shooting up GOP baseball games and torching Berkeley.
  13. Burning trashcans? 2017 UC Berkeley riots. About a million in damages. Over fucking Milo. You absolute faggots.
  14. The leftist mainstream press who abandoned the story within days.
  15. And your side shoots up Republican congressional baseball games, firebombs Republican offices, mass murders Dallas cops, and does shit like this earlier this month:
  16. Firing James Demore for questioning pseudo-scientific blank slatism. Dude I've literally got a hundred of these. And your side went beyond grassroots boycotts to firing people for Wrongthink over and over.
  17. "Cooke, it's not permanent, right?! Cookie, tell me it's not permanent!?"
  18. I liked how you were panicked at first and didn't know whether to respond or not, and then when you did, you wanted Cookie to clarify just what the punishment was going to be. A real man would've laughed at the whole thing.
  19. Does this shit pass as wit in the suburbs of Texas? I'm serious. Are you all this corny?
  20. Dude, read up first before commenting. The Black Hebrew Israelites started it by calling the kids crackers, faggots, and incest kids.
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