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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Now comes the moronic time sink delaying tactics because you lost.
  2. Great Jer, he's a member of a Ukrainian political party. That's some great research you've done there. I bet he also has two arms and wears pants. Clearly that proves Trump's in cahoots with Putin.
  3. Compelled speech: Janus Ban on private ownership of guns: Hellar Corporations are groups of people. No where does the constitution ban groups of people from engaging in political speech as a group. If you don't like it, fine, amend the constitution. But fuck your judicial activism. It's outright tyranny. Are you really this dumb?
  4. No where in the article does it say Lyovochkin is pro-Putin. You had no idea that the NYTimes corrected its story to say the data was given to Ukriainians, not a Russian close to Putin as originally reported, and now you're floundering around trying to save face. You have no idea who these people are. You never even heard of them until I pointed out the correction. What a hilariously incompetent thread.
  5. You don't even know what a double negative is? She voted for compelled speech, banning private ownership of guns, and preventing economic interest groups from engaging in political speech. How hard is this for you, Jer?
  6. Not the Ukrainians Manafort told him to give the data to. You're flailing in the dark. What an embarrassing showing for you.
  7. Yes she voted to prohibit that type of speech.
  8. She voted for them dipshit.
  9. You have yet to provide any proof that the Ukrainians are pro-Putin. Zilch. Are you embarrassed to always lose this badly?
  10. Compelled speech, banning private ownership of guns, and preventing economic interest groups from engaging in political speech are all unconstitutional and were all struck down. The sooner that pinko witch dies, the sooner American will be Great Again.
  11. Christ Jer you sound plain wilted in this response. Completely cast into doubt the claim that that Manafort giving polling data to Ukrainian nationals, almost all of which was already publicly known, proves that Trump was in cahoots with Putin. This thread completely backfired on you and Michael.
  12. You thought this was a good line to pursue? LOL Heller, Janus, Citizens United.
  13. Judicial activism is the tyranny. It's a complete disregard for the rule of law. No one of any political stripe should support it. You red guard derpsters will be the first against the wall.
  14. Ukrainians, not Russians, and you haven't even been able to show the Ukrainians are pro-Putin. But fellas, this proves Trump is in cahoots with Putin.
  15. With you and Michael running away from the argument after getting body bagged by the NYT's correction and hugging each other for moral support?
  16. The Dems will be able to beat Trump with nearly anyone. To the point where he's is going to allow them to run a lot more to the left than they otherwise could. But those 2 or 3 Supreme Court picks (crossing my fingers for RBG's death) may be worth it in the long run anyway for the GOP. UBI isn't happening anytime soon. Automation isn't advanced enough yet. No one wants to support parasites like Jerry if it requires a sizable tax increase.
  17. Are you stereotyping Mexicans as all being like Jerry?
  18. If mayo came in corn flavor and was marketed to boomers, this would be the tag line for the commercial.
  19. Mexicans aren't a race. They're a retarded political culture. Just like Alabama.
  20. No really dude, u mad. I win. U mad. When you're 40 but stuck in teenage early 2000s 4Chan.
  21. Sorry Jer, we don't need anymore if your no-skill, inbred cousins. Especially from your blood line.
  22. When you've said nothing and declare victory hoping your derpy sidekick has your back.
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