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Everything posted by 54212

  1. 2. And no shit nothing is going to be full proof. We know we can't stop the flow of dregs entirely but we can drastically slow it.
  2. You haven't proven he's a Russian operative, and according to the NYT, Manafort instructed him to pass it on to Ukrainians, not Russians.
  3. Some of them are over a thousand miles long. It's not like a platoon of Girl Scouts can man them. It's all about how much resources you dedicate to sealing them. $5b is peanuts in terms of the federal budget.
  4. Too many holes in the defensive line. We need more barriers. And I don't care about drug trafficking over the border. It's people like you who OD on fentanyl, not people like me, and the economy would be much better off if people like you all ODed. I'm all for legalizing crack and fentanyl and bath salts. The faster the losers kill themselves, the better.
  5. A Russian passed data to Ukrainains that was almost all in the public domain. WE'VE GOT YOU NOW ORANGE MAN! Also Patriarchy, Blank Slatism, GMOs bad, and Communism has never been tried before.
  6. How are they working in Israel and Hungary and Turkey?
  7. Yes because the Ukraine and Russia are the best of friends after Russia justed hacked off half of Ukraine.
  8. The NYT explicitly claims Manafort's intent was for the data to be handed over to Ukrainian actors, not Russian actors. And more funny, almost all the data was public knowledge. You two are clowns.
  9. This is what happens when you're not too bright and you get most of your news from MSNBC and CNN.
  10. The NYTimes itself corrected its story to state he didn't give it to Russians, he gave it to Ukrainians. The Derpy Duo has be pnwed
  11. Opposition Bloc was opposed to Ukraine joining NATO. It wasn't pro-Russia.
  12. LOL at posting fake news that the NYTimes itself corrected. He didn't give it to Russians, he gave it to Ukrainians.
  13. The info wasn't given to Russians, it was given to Ukrianians. Are you embarrassed by spreading fake news?
  14. This is how lazy, inthellectually dishonest, and incompetent you are. We're not giving you a UBI, Jer. Get a job you useless parasite.
  15. Ugly guys using "sweetie" is creepy as hell. And you still have yet to offer any evidence that the Ukrianian actors are pro-Russia. You have no idea. You're throwing shit against the wall hoping something will stick, and you just got burned on this NYTimes article.
  16. Your retard gaslighting is worthless. They funded the Steele Dossier, and the dossier specifically cites self-avowed Russian operatives as its primary sources.
  17. Give us evidence that they're pro-Putin/Russia. Manafort had been working for the Ukrainians for years. And it may turn out that they are pro-Russia, but you two know-nothing clowns certainly have no idea.
  18. So did the DNC and Hillary. They paid a foreign agent to use Russian operatives to fabricate dirt on Trump.
  19. Give us evidence that the Ukrainian actors are pro-Russia, lightweight.
  20. NYTimes corrected story: "Mr. Manafort asked Mr. Gates to tell Mr. Kilimnik to pass the data to two Ukrainian oligarchs, Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov, the person said." https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/08/us/politics/manafort-trump-campaign-data-kilimnik.html Once again, give us evidence that the Ukrainians actors he handed the data off to--almost all of which was public knowledge--are pro-Russian.
  21. Are the Ukrainians that he handed the data off to pro-Russia? Source?
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