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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Jerry thinks if he's doctrinaire PC, he'll increase his odds of being first in line for UBI. His brother prays he's right.
  2. WickedSimple's complete range of debate tactics: 1. 2. 3. Repeat
  3. Saucer: "LOL @ white knighting for Jer." WickedSimple: "No u!" Saucer: "You're still doing it." WickedSimple: "U mad bro!" I'll give WS this, he's the perfect Downs Robin to Jerry's Downs Batman.
  4. Some night we should do shifts to see how long we can keep Jerry up. On Sidescrollers I kept him up until dawn one night arguing nonsense to see how far he'd go, and by the end he was so exhausted that his replies became really mild and short. All the attitude was drained out of them. I bet we could kill him from sleep deprivation.
  5. Jerry always needs to get the last word in because his ego is that fragile, not because he's playing mind games. LOL @ you stanning Jer.
  6. You know your life has taken a tragic turn when when you start white knighting for Jer.
  7. Man ghostz slaughtered Jer in this thread.
  8. Where's that grandpa Simpson's gif when you need it...
  9. More money--it'd sell well on the Switch. He said it's Ori news so I assume it's specifically about the IP.
  10. I joined SystemWars 15 years ago right before Xmas and for some reason this is the one board I always come back to. Merry Christmas
  11. For some reason YouTube videos aren't embedding. The link I posted is a leaked video of Google's "All Hands" meeting right after the election where Google's co-founder and top brass are in full meltdown over the results. If anyone isn't clear on why James Damore was fired, watch the video.
  12. I like glam and I like JRPGs but for whatever reason I'm not a big fan of Final Fantasy and haven't checked out XV because of its boy-band-road-trip vibe (I liked X-2 so I guess I'm cool with girl-band-road-trip vibe). I haven't played VII so I'll probably wait for that to come out.
  13. Believe me I know I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel. I considered playing Dragon Quest.
  14. I had to laugh because you're the best advocate the left has on here by far, you only mildly criticized one of his minor points, and his ego still made him start up his Clavin on Adderall routine. He can't help himself.
  15. I'm dying for a game to play but I'm having a hard time finding one that catches my attention. I think I'll either get Dead Cells or go in the KGB Gaming bin and get something ridiculous like Nights of Azure 2.
  16. ^ They're still susceptible because they can deplatformed by the payment processing companies and credit card companies like SubscribeStar just was.
  17. One thing that's interesting is that progs have given up on winning fairly in the arena of ideas and instead have resorted to deplatforming and defunding their opponents. They've abandoned civil libertarianism and the principles of Skokie. Another thing that's interesting is if you define totalitarianism as the belief that all human activity is political, and you define authoritarianism as advocacy for a narrow Overton Window--which I think is a simple, clear way to define the two terms--then progressives have become totalitarian authoritarians. With the Sargon issue: S
  18. Uh-oh, Hot Sauce has been caught in the gravitational field of Jerry the Human Time Sink.
  19. Then she says maybe a cigarette more. I'm willing to bet big money that Twinblade's had more sex than you.
  20. CIA director is a cabinet level position. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabinet_of_Donald_Trump#Director_of_the_Central_Intelligence_Agency
  21. He was appointed director of the CIA by Obama, and during his tenure as director he illegally gave his gf classified info, plead guilty to it, and resigned.
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