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Everything posted by 54212

  1. It's time for another trip in the Jer and WickedSimple clown car. I just did an image search on this out of curiosity. It comes from an anonymous blogger from the far-left blog site Daily Kos LOL Off the top of my head, why is Obama a 0 when Petraeus plead guilty to giving his gf classified info and resigned? Do tell, WS.
  2. Saucer: Here's everyone from The Economist to The Guardian to Politico characterizing Macron as a progressive. Here's Macron characterizing himself as a progressive. And the Yellow Vest protests broke out as a direct result of Macron imposing a progressive carbon tax on gas. WickedSlow: But he ran against LePen! That means he's not progressive! How did you people get this dumb? It's mind-blowing.
  3. You mean like imposing a carbon tax on gas and pledging to kill off gas-powered cars by 2040? How did that progressive position work out for Macron?
  4. You never explained why it's sexually predatory. Instead you defended the morons on your side who misread it and said you're fine with them pressuring companies to ban it. Explain that one, WickedSlow.
  5. Christ when Dean Martin can't seduce a willing thot, something has gone terribly wrong with the left.
  6. She wants to stay but she's worried what her family and neighbors will think she's a thot if she does. She's even the one who suggests they have another drink, not him. It was written in the '40s when prudes ruled the world. Read the lyrics. How in the world did you perpetually offended autists manage to pass third grade English? I really can't stay (but baby, it's cold outside) I've got to go away (but baby, it's cold outside) This evening has been (been hoping that you'd drop in) So very nice (i'll hold your hands, they're just like ice) My mother
  7. Jesus where to begin with Jerry's usual train wreck of ignorance and sophistry? "Macron is center-right." Macron explicitly labels himself as a progressive, and he and Marche are considered straight centrists on the French political spectrum. Macron explicitly founded the party to try and unite the center-left, Parti Socialiste, and the center-right, Les Republicains. "People are calling Macron a beacon for progressives?!? *phony laughter*" Remember when the left was heralding Macron as the progressive savior of the free world? You k
  8. Jerry doesn't have the excuse that he's crippled or mentally ill. He's just lazy. So why should we spend our precious public/charity dollars on someone like him? Shouldn't we be spending it on deformed Shriner's Children Hospital kids or poor urban kids in the inner cities? Is that not a fair question?
  9. Why should the taxpayers have to pay for Jerry? He doesn't seem to have a job. If you look at his posting history, he wakes up late in the morning and then posts on the internet until late at night. Why should we have to pay for this loser's healthcare, rent, and video games?
  10. The funniest thing about Jerry is that he absolutely must get the last word in. As long as he gets the last word in, he can sleep okay at night no matter how much he actually got lit up on the internet.
  11. Semi-interesting observation: Jer isn't denying that his brother has the patience of a saint for taking care of him for this long. At least there's some honesty still in Jer. Maybe we can convince him to get a job afterall.
  12. Jerry's brother must have the patience of a saint to take care of him for this long.
  13. Jobless 40-something slacker takes to Reddit to try to and get the government to give him a guaranteed minimal income so he can continue to be a parasite to his dying day.
  14. Then you want to stand by the claim that you know more than I do. What are you credentials? I have a BA and MA from Cal in poly sci.
  15. So you're not an expert on anything and you have no influence over anything, so why should we pay attention to you? What makes your perspective worth watching?
  16. So you have no influence. Do you think you're an expert on any given political subject?
  17. Just so we're all clear, you agree that you have no influence, right? We'll move on to depth of knowledge next.
  18. 12 minutes of thinking about what a good comeback would be and this is all you came up with?
  19. Low making fun of you for thinking you're hot shit when you have zero influence over anything.
  20. Then you're claiming your knowledge isn't shallow and you're influential?
  21. I don't understand. Are you disputing that your knowledge is shallow and you have no influence?
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