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Everything posted by 54212

  1. From the NYTimes current story on it, disphit: "Whether the bombs are real or hoaxes. Law enforcement officials have not said whether the devices are indeed real bombs." https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/25/nyregion/new-york-today-mail-bombs.html Are you ever right about anything?
  2. The story will also get exponentially more press coverage than the ricin letters or the Scalise mass assassination attempt even if the bombs are non-operational and there's Lucky Charms inside them.
  3. This has 4chan prank written all over it. If the police find crushed up Lucky Charms in the pipe bombs, I won't be remotely surprised.
  4. CDPR should tweet, "The SJW progs are being moral hypochondriacs and virtue signalling assholes again. We fucking love The Kinks' Lola." The hot takes would fly like bullets at a meth lab shootout.
  5. I stand by my theory that the old Eastern Bloc countries are in the process of catching up to the West in terms of pop culture and they're somewhere around 1987 right now. I'm waiting for CDPR to tweet the scene from Bachelor Party where the guy suddenly realizes the Marilyn Monroe chick he just boinked is a dude and he's in the shower furiously trying to scrub the gay away.
  6. I didn't want to see the Netflix version of The Haunting bc the '63 film is my favorite horror film and I'm not a fan of remaking classics but this looks like a total spinoff instead of a remake so I think I'm in.
  7. RDR should've been a full-on spaghetti western with lots of scenes of Clint wearing a poncho in a graveyard. Instead it's a Kevin Costner western.
  8. Now you know how most of the world felt when playing Fez.
  9. Against all better judgment I really like Az but dear God ask him about his pedo best friend if you ever want to go further down the rabbit hole.
  10. Your plan is to take advantage of a clerical error to ultimately screw your brother out of a $180k apartment he just bought?
  11. Oh cool. Not a fan of digital but getting more content is a decent trade-off.
  12. Entertained that like most blowhards, you're too insecure to admit you were talking out your ass again. He was racist, his short stories almost never were outside of Red Hook, yet you claimed his stories were so filled with racism that anyone who reads them knows he's "racist as fuck." You're a ridiculous person. A truly ridiculous person. His big books like Carrie, Salem's Lot, The Shining, The Stand, The Dead Zone, Cujo, Christine, Pet Cemetery, Misery, The Green Mile are Lovecraftian? LOL!
  13. This is the first time I've taken a look at the game. Can you buy it without the toys? I'm not seeing a standard $60 version at Amazon.
  14. It's realistic scenarios like Dems taking back both houses of the legislature, packing the Supreme Court, and mass riots starting, that I worry about. (And I'm sympathetic to a lot of the left's arguments that the right is the one who started with the needless escalation.) I don't know if I want to stick around for that when I could be hanging out in Vienna instead. Life is short.
  15. Thank God I have dual German citizenship so I can bail if the crazy train goes completely off the rails.
  16. The NYTimes was calling for that earlier this week. Their editorial board writer Charles Blow said the Constitution was designed by evil white men to enforce white supremacy and be anti-democratic.
  17. You haven't even able to cite one example of his short stories being racist beside the example I gave, much less that they're so filled with racism that "anyone" who reads them knows they're "racist as fuck." Go on, Cliff Claven, cite them.
  18. You said his stories are filled with racism. That anyone who reads them knows he's "racist as fuck." They're not. You were talking out of your ass again.
  19. Make Jimbo the only mod just to see what happens.
  20. I'm convinced he went to an aquarium while stoned, got freaked out but how alien sea life can look, and had a nightmare where the lobsters and clams were rulers of the world.
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