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Everything posted by 54212

  1. "Anyone who's read Lovecraft knows he's racist as fuck. Look at this obscure poem that's never included in mass market Lovecraft anthologies." Useless spaz
  2. You had to reach back into his obscure poetry to find an example, yet you're aruging that anyone who reads Lovecraft knows he's a racist as fuck? You're an idiot.
  3. Why do you always talk out of your ass like Jerry? Aside from The Horror at Red Hook, name some more of his short stories that are "racist as fuck." Go on. Unless you read about his private life, it's easy to completely miss his racism. I read his story stories as a teenager and had no idea.
  4. For me it's just that we've done morgues so many times in RE games. I would've released a clip with a fresher environment. But no worries.
  5. Played through Mega Man 11 three times now. - One of the best weapon sets in the series, and it's coupled with a good variety of grunt types that really encourage you to switch up weapons. - The robot master levels are good but none of them are innovative. The bosses have some fun patterns but they're really easy to beat once you know which weapon they're weak against. More so than usual. - Dr. Wily's castle is one of the worst in the series. It's only two stages long and then there's the boss rush and Wily. That's it. And the two stages don't have much per
  6. Mega Man 11 is one of the better Mega Man games. I'm almost finished and I'm really liking it.
  7. I finally played through Mario Odyssey. It's a competent Mario 64 sequel for sure but I don't quite get the hype. I expected more innovation. I'm finally playing through Splatoon 2 now, and I really want a RE4-style campaign where you can switch between guns at will, the levels encourage you to switch between guns, each level has a distinct personality, and there's a good running narrative. But otherwise keep the platforming and humor. Two criticisms: The music is funny for the first few minutes but then it gets obnoxious, and you can't use motion-control aiming when lying down. It
  8. 54212

    The Nike hijab

    The dirtbag left is trying to turn the Overton window into a narrow sliver and center it on their grifter socialism. That's it. Dumb game but would you expect anything more clever out of them?
  9. The funny thing is Jerry's not even in the loop enough to be part of the Chapo dirtbag left. He has no idea what that even is even though it's in his DNA. He's forever doomed to be a Reddit scrub.
  10. "Dude, I promise I'll pay my share of the rent. I'm just waiting to scalp some PS1 Classics on eBay."
  11. Why are you still lying? Is that all you have left?
  12. Does your brother ever threaten to kick you out if you don't finally get a job?
  13. Right. So why did you lie, and then get so upset that you tried to get Gouk to ban me from this thread?
  14. The first rule of trolling: When you try to get the other person banned, you're a crybaby bitch.
  15. So Jerry first lies by trying to falsely attribute quotes to me, and goes full crybaby bitch and tries to have Gouk ban me from this thread.
  16. Why did you lie? Are you that insecure?
  17. Should I write a real post on this?
  18. Jerry, it's not like you'll ever have sex, so why do you even care if abortion is legal? It doesn't make sense.
  19. Just think, all this lying and histrionics so leftists can murder babies.
  20. Oh I think being a crybaby bitch who tries to get someone banned from a thread is being really pissed.
  21. You're still not answering the question. Why did you attempt to lie?
  22. I made seven arguments against her and I even bullet-pointed them for you simpletons.
  23. You're not answering the question. You put "vicious trap" in quotes, directly implying that it was a verbatim quote. So where did I say that? Or are you lying? Pick.
  24. You're trying to call Gouk to lock me out of the thread? What a crybaby bitch. LOL
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