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Everything posted by 54212

  1. No you aren't. You haven't defended her against a single argument I made against her.
  2. Why are you putting "vicious trap" in quotes? Are you claiming I said that or are you trying to lie about what I said?
  3. You've even got WickedSimple in this thread admitting his opposition to Brett is purely political payback for Garland, and none of you dipshits is defending Ford right now.
  4. Brett had no idea who he was and it was a cheap political stunt that you and Dipshiht lapped straight up.
  5. The hearing was filled with spastic leftwing activists.
  6. This from the man who's a walking depository of Raw Story talking points.
  7. Brett had no idea who he was, and he did it as a political stunt.
  8. Hi, I'm Abe Lincoln. He had no idea who he was.
  9. Let me know when they actually MeToo him instead of largely ignoring the accusations.
  10. When he got ambushed by him, had no idea who he was, and waited for security to intercede? Dude, when did you become a political hack?
  11. Let me know when Keith Ellison resigns. Or when Hillary stops attacking Juanita Broaddrick.
  12. She's lying leftist scumbag. - 15-year-old girls almost never keep secrets like that from their friends. From their parents, sure, but not from their friends. - We're supposed to believe Kavanaugh was trying to rape her while his friend Judge was there in the room dive bombing them repeatedly on the bed for laughs? - She waits 30 years before telling anyone, and when she finally does, she wheels it out during marriage counselling as an excuse for why she has intimacy issues with her husband. And even then she doesn't name Kavanaugh. "But I told my husband t
  13. I rarely watch fiction. It got too passive and predictable. When I do watch something, I'll fast-forward through most scenes.
  14. "I need to be a Google engineer to figure out that you shouldn't make the background 30% grey and the text 60% grey. That's some deep knowledge."
  15. Dude you're having an argument with some imaginary person in your head because I've never defended any of the themes. I just want a light theme with good text contrast. I don't care if you incels want a dark GeoCities theme to compliment your Frito Lay caves. But some of us are actual adults who like well lit rooms.
  16. OMG I just looked at Google and now I'm blinded.
  17. Can you lighten the background too? Or just give us the "Basic" option back. That was fine.
  18. OMG I just looked at Twitter and now I'm blinded.
  19. "Extremely bright light." Have you even seen sunlight this year?
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