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Everything posted by 54212

  1. LOL you're literally unemployed, live at your parents home, have autism, and look like a short, fat pox-faced goblin. Who are you trying to kid?
  2. Why would he enter a binding agreement to buy Twitter when he was a doing a pump-and-dump on the stock? How are you this dumb?
  3. And now you're lying about lying. You just said: They were trying to stop the deal when this thread started. You lied.
  4. And that's why he made a binding agreement to buy it. Derp. You're so incredibly dumb.
  5. 1. You lied about Twitter's board trying to stop the deal until they realized it would be illegal to do so. 2. Nowhere did I imply Elon was or wasn't coerced (he wasn't forced; he could've taken it to trial). I just pointed out that he didn't lose much on the sale. That's you lying again. Why do you lie so much, Goobs? About politics on a silly video game board that has no impact on anything no less?
  6. 1. Who cares? He broke close to even on the deal and Milo is coming back. Let the games begin. 2. Twitter's board did to try stop the deal at first but then their legal console informed them they'd be in breach of their fiduciary duties and had to go through with it. Who are you trying to bullshit?
  7. I like the idea that they can do this but we get to cut off the body parts they superglued to the paintings and leave them there as part of the exhibits.
  8. He paid $54 a share and Twitter's share price right now is $53. Oh noes. Meanwhile your scumbag team just lost control of Twitter.
  9. Exactly. I thought it was going to my GOTY and instead it was total horseshit.
  10. As usual you have no idea what you're talking about. Luis was trying to stop Saddler. He worked with Ada because she promised to wipe out Saddler and the cult if he gave her an egg sample. He had no idea who she was working for. He then dies while trying to give Leon a drug to cure Leon's infection. Luis never double-crossed Leon. You're projecting your own sleaziness on to him like you usually do.
  11. This'll be the forth time I've bought RE4.
  12. I usually think progrock is tedious but this is pretty great.
  13. Obviously Hale didn't take the job for $4K so something's up.
  14. Cliche serious moment, cliche comic moment. Cliche serious moment, cliche comic moment. It's such lazy writing.
  15. Midjourney and Dalle blew me away when I first saw them. This did too: If you click on the tweet you can read the full story. Basically he asked the AI to create an image that was the opposite of Marlon Brando's image. It created a logo. Then he asked it to create the opposite of that logo, wondering if it would create Brando. Instead it created this woman, and due to a quirk of the programming it heavily selects for her when crossing her with other images.
  16. You're more to the left than Twinblade is to the right. And be careful about trashing people for their looks when you're always hiding your face behind Spawn bandanas.
  17. You go around calling moderates and conservatives a bunch of alt-right incels but you're whining about people mischaracterizing where you get your Ron Klien talking points from like that's a distinction with a difference? LOL
  18. It always looks like fun to me for some reason.
  19. You're on a tiny video game board angerly repeating MSNBC's daily menu of prog outrage. You've become one of those people.
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