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DynamiteCop last won the day on April 5

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  1. "The future of Sony is going places. Not far, but places" "The lack of a disc drive perfectly complements the lack of games" "Available for $2,000 from your local scalper" "We heard your cries for games" *"BLOODBORNE 2!!!"* "and decided to ignore them"
  2. Yes, and it will play the BASE PlayStation 5 version and not the Pro version unless you pay the premium. Yet another way for you guys to get milked. I hope to God they do it.
  3. Except my house isn't decorated, this is all isolated to a back spare bedroom. You're a dumbass.
  4. It does if they split it off into two digital and Retail skus
  5. Yeah except I've literally been with the same girl for over 10 years, but nice theory. You just sound upset because you can't find a girl that encourages and is fine with you enjoying your hobbies. You probably have a miserable existence playing backseat to your woman if you even have one.
  6. Did you just try to make fun of me for having a lot of video games on a video game forum? God you guys get dumber by the year.
  7. It's $1,000 without a drive or a stand lmao. Cows getting milked again, and again, and again. You can build a PC that absolutely bodies that piece of junk for that amount of money.
  8. That realization that if the base PlayStation 5 had PSSR you would effectively be getting the same output as the PlayStation 5 Pro right now. It's absolutely pathetic.
  9. Because he's a retard fangirl. Bu...bu....but my RTX 4090!!!
  10. I'm excited for it, but compared to the original it looks too bright. The original had a lot of contrasting visuals which this looks to have washed out.
  11. DynamiteCop


    You tards keep saying this and for the fourth time I have to state THEY'RE ALL OVERPRICED.
  12. DynamiteCop


    Isn't this an Unreal Engine 4 game lmao.... What a piece of shit. 50+ FPS targeting 60, 80+ FPS targeting 120... Microsoft was smart to not follow this abomination. Absolutely unnecessary console that's only hypothetically 45% more powerful and already a massive disappointment even before it releases. With the PS4 Pro it was a 128% uplift at the same $400 launch price, with the One X it was 358% uplift with the same $500 launch price. This is $310 more expensive than the launch price and not even half as more capable. W
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