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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. Before I got banned it was just a bunch of leftist psychopaths in there so they probably killed off the thing themselves and then left because there was no one left to talk to
  2. And yet both can be true at the same time. This forum can be gay, and it can be boring which is why I'm so infrequently here. I couldn't care less about Xbox, it's just enjoyable when something positive happens for them because it drives you people absolutely bonkers..
  3. Your posts which 8 weeks later are getting you raped? God forbid people correct your incessant retardation.
  4. If they tried they would get annihilated by congress, judges, basically everyone. Massive waste of tax dollars for something already lost.
  5. Lmfao https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/us-ftc-withdraws-case-against-222701005.html
  6. Sony looks so pathetic here lol. "Oh shit it's actually happening, we need to sign that shit fast!"
  7. There's only 35 minutes left in federal court. That means if a decision doesn't come out within that time or just after then Microsoft can close effective 12:00 a.m.
  8. It's over boys, we won! https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-court-refuses-ftc-request-pause-microsoft-deal-activision-2023-07-14/
  9. "Couldn't possibly be done without the 5,500 Mb/s SSD, and compression that only the PlayStation 5 has" Runs on a 120 Mb/s HDD TCHBO
  10. Does that line up detective? You seem to know where and when everything about my forum life is taking place. Is that accurate? Autism
  11. Says the retard whose entire social order is this forum, and NO ONE likes you here. Not one soul in this place wants you here. I'm disliked, you're hated. I mean for christ sakes you live in a trailer fucking your brother. Rough.
  12. As if I actually paid attention to the timeframe lol, what a fgt. "aCKhUaLlY yOu PoStEd 4 MoNtHs AgO!" Fucking autists lol
  13. Nah, it's just nice to be on a gaming forum that has real racism. It provides a nice contrast between what I say, and what they say which is actually racist. You guys applied it to so many different things which were not even racist that it lost all meaning. Democrats lol.
  14. I don't even use my consoles, one is a 3D BluRay player and the other is a streaming box. They just suck in general.
  15. I'm on the best shitty forum, and there's actual racism, not the fantasy racism you lunatics believe everything is. Snowflake retard.
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