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DynamiteCop last won the day on April 5

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  1. I respect applicable and legal states rights, so... Who said since it was? They could have attempted it while it was in effect.
  2. Which I couldn't give less of a shit about, it's about the constitutionality behind it which is the entire function of the Supreme Court. There's nothing in the 14th Amendment that even remotely enshrines the right to abortion. It was bogus from day one then was rightfully overturned. You want to talk about honesty lol? The Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the Presidency. They could have codified the right to abortion and never did, and there's a fundamental reason why. If they codify the right to abortion they no longer have a talking point to run on. Ca
  3. Nothing about Roe vs Wade had any constitutional merit, and thus it was expunged. It was correct to send it back to the states for dictation there, it was never a constitutionally backed right, it was never a right to begin with. Regardless of opinion whether pro or anti abortion it had no business in existing through Supreme Court rule. It has to be through congressional approval.
  4. @Remij I was going to get these what do you think https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0DG3HK897/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CCXSRKZT/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_2?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
  5. Except they literally do, you're speaking with a construction manager for christ sakes belonging to a multibillion dollar conglomerate. I sign off on their checks, help register their benefits, take part in dictatating their salaries etc. I know exactly what is taking place because I am directly involved while the likes of you people choose to look in the other direction as if it's not happening. Very few businesses dig into documentation, as long as it's presented and logged that is the beginning and end of it. We're not the arbiters of law enforcement. T
  6. So you're walking back your retardation. Thanks. The entire point in posting that was because of Gouk's delusions where he thinks illegals don't get hired, paid and receive benefits like the rest of us. He's dumb, you're dumb.
  7. You're a moron and you know nothing about hiring. Documents can be both fake and real. They have no social security numbers, birth certificates or green cards so they have forgeries made, however they can still get driver's licenses. You people think you're so smart but you're the dumbest fucking idiots on the planet. Your eligibility absolutely does not have to be verified and you know literally nothing about the construction industry. Nothing. I literally manage 18 illegals who I know have fake documentation. Employers don't give a shit, they all have on the books checks and bene
  8. I work for a conglomerate in the construction industry and this is commonplace. This isn't some new or shocking revelation. Illegals are hired if they can produce documents whether fake or real and they like their legal counterparts are provided with benefits, that's the reality of this country. They're clogging up every social system we have, you live in a fantasy land.
  9. All the above reasons, and they are quite suseptible to burn in. They looked better than LCD's of the time but had too many draw backs.
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