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DynamiteCop last won the day on April 5

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  1. I'd be very curious to see the actual age breakdown for the console demographic now vs the early 2000's. I'm guessing it's mostly people near our age driving sales.
  2. Life was fathoms better under Trump for a nearly endless list of reasons, there's no sensible opposition to this clear reality. As much as they whine and moan this is the reality for the left as well, and they know it.
  3. Pay more to play everything better than anywhere else. PC is so inudated with games by the time we can even get around to these fake exclusive games they've already aged on our platform significantly. Snap back to reality.
  4. Great game, you really need to play it
  5. I'll wait for the PC port so I can see this bitch in all her glory
  6. The limits are so distinctly different the PS5's version of it borderline on generally useless.
  7. If Starfield is the biggest flop in history what does that make this also extremely hyped game which scored lower?
  8. The excuses are already piling up lol, the chances of this actually being a noteworthy game are slim. Outside of the sexy protagonist it looks like an average Soulslike imitation which NEVER land.
  9. Their last released game was in October with absolutely nothing in sight until undisclosed dates in 2025. That is really fucking bad.
  10. Yeah, because I've spent 20 1/2 years on this platform and purchased over 1,000 games as a ruse. You're dumb.
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