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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. Yeah that's probably because we're not retarded and know how to maintain our system. I haven't had a legitimate game problem since Rage...
  2. This is all so simple. Sony's PC strategy is garbage, and the releases suffer for it. They charge too much too late, and they do zero marketing. They're not building up any kind of a user base because they're halfway in. If they were day and date they would sell great numbers, even titles which are not traditionally geared towards a PC audience. There's no hype or excitement for these games, that passed years prior when they originally released. Not including the PC audience in this honeymoon period around the launch of a game is a huge mistake.
  3. This only bothers me for movies because they are entirely driven by bitrates to which digital is massively inferior.
  4. The game isn't broken, and he's right. Sony's games and their success are the result of decades of conditioning their user base into liking. Outside of that bubble no one gives much of a shit, and their sales prove it. These games aren't special for one, and secondly they charge too much, and release them too late for people to care.
  5. Confirmed it lol? After looking at it again and from not just one source IT'S NOT EVEN a second difference in loading. It's completely irrelevant and verging heavily into margin of error territory. Graphically on the whole the game is inferior on PS5, performance is incomparable and it has no adjustable aspect ratio. It's a better version of the game on PC as is completely expected, this isn't something new in gaming you retard...
  6. Lmao, the ENTIRE rift sequence with like 8 portal jumps loads a whopping 1 second slower in TOTAL... Anyone with a brain can see that due to the literal thousands of SSD's and the nature of game function and optimization they had to fix their loading time or risk breaking the game. That's why a 3,500 Mb/s drive will load identically to a 7,000 Mb/s drive, it has a peak lock. Aside from the inconsequential loading difference which amounts to basically nothing, and the few missing transparency effects (which are probably already fixed) there's nothing better a
  7. Lol you retards always post these videos like this is some type of win, but completely fail to acknowledge that we live in a world of updates... All of these minors issues will be fixed and are already being fixed. The game is superior on PC, the end.
  8. Biggest technology acquisition in history... What a thing for Jerry to be wrong about. Wow.
  9. When the reality is that people like you make up the vast majority, yes, yes it's most definitely not me.
  10. Normies implies mainstream retards who were the destruction of the old internet when they finally figured it out. They joined in droves, took over everything and turned the lot of you into pussies who coddle the worst aspects of emasculated society.
  11. Yeah a bunch of babies who act like they joined the internet 10 years ago. "Oh my God you're hurting my feelings." Normies shouldn't be in control of any facet of the internet. They either ruin it with corporate influence or can't handle what people say and get triggered. Modern internet reacts to speech like it's entirely controlled by the left. If I don't like it I get rid of it or I censor it. Pussies.
  12. It's basically the actual "metaverse" that no one has successfully pulled off except them.
  13. I'm out doing stuff during the day on weekends, hobbies, shopping, meeting up with people etc. Everyone our age though is chained down whether it be married or kids and can rarely ever do anything at night. So weekend nights I hop on VRC and drink. There's games, drinking games, clubs, music events, karaoke, dance worlds and so on. I've made a lot of good friends in there, and there's always people around and things to do. Two summers ago we did a week long Vegas trip with about 20 people. Last summer about 8 of us came up to my area. We've got a big group going to Flor
  14. I have no time anymore so I don't touch games really. Weekdays are full from beginning to end, and during the days on weekends I want to be out doing stuff. That's why I've gotten so into VRChat on the weekend nights. You can drink, and more directly socialize in a totally safe environment while also having the ability to game simultaneously. It hits all the checkboxes of what I want to be doing and have time for anymore.
  15. It's as if somebody made a thread about the System Wars Discord servers and I responded just as anybody else would. You got me, that's so weird.
  16. As far as I remember this was like a couple years ago there was only like five people in there to actually interacted with anyone
  17. It's easy to keep up when they're dead
  18. Yes I care so much that I had to refer to you as that guy because I couldn't even remember your fucking name lol
  19. Virgin In before that's a racist dog whistle diatribe lol
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