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DynamiteCop last won the day on April 5

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  1. You are so tone-deft to the point of daily realities. Your 401k isn't doing shit for you right now, but guess what? Absolutely everything you consume, use and rely on is roughly 30% more expensive than it was meaning the cost of living is 30% higher than it was. You can't possibly be this retarded.
  2. You're not fooling anyone retard, we have eyes, ears and bank accounts. We all see how we're all getting severely fucked across the board financially. What a schill.
  3. Funded is a very loose term, this game was already far, far, far into development before Sony money cucked it and had Shift Up pull it from already announced platforms.
  4. 2nd party isn't a real thing, it's a 3rd party game published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. 2nd party is a made up term merely to denote said 3rd party developers relationship with the publisher. Furthermore publishing a game doesn't equate to control of a game. Publishing can merely apply to the specific platform such as Death Stranding being published by SIE for PlayStation and 505 Games publishing it for PC. Publishing can also be regional, different publishers for release locations. Unless Sony made the game it's not a first party game because it's
  5. 97% off, probably an error but purchased fine for me. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/the-james-bond-collection/8d6kgwxn65rr?activetab=pivot:overviewtab
  6. People here are really bad at math, 2018 to 2024 is not 8 years...
  7. Oh seriously shut the fuck up with that nonsense because no one wants to hear about how the stock market is doing. Talk about a tone deaf leftist dumb fuck. That stuff is great and all for people who have major investments or those interested in excessive low-paying jobs but the reality is for everyday people which includes every single one of us the average cost of living has increased by nearly 30% since this administration took control. Like I said if you got a $10,000 raise it has been completely evaporated by the cost of goods, services and housing. We are all poor
  8. https://www.uschamber.com/economy/five-times-the-administration-wrongly-blamed-business-for-high-prices
  9. What is there to back up lol, are you dumb? All of us are spending hundreds if not thousands more on the same everyday things. Life is worse, considerably so.
  10. Tell me how your life was wasn't better you cult like leftist retard. If you got a 10k raise since Biden which I have it's been effectively erased. Literally everything costs double digit percentages more, and it keeps getting worse while your gods piss away billions a day to foreign interests and illegals.
  11. I'd be very curious to see the actual age breakdown for the console demographic now vs the early 2000's. I'm guessing it's mostly people near our age driving sales.
  12. Life was fathoms better under Trump for a nearly endless list of reasons, there's no sensible opposition to this clear reality. As much as they whine and moan this is the reality for the left as well, and they know it.
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