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Posts posted by DynamiteCop

  1. 10 minutes ago, Goukosan said:



    Edit*  the game isn’t out for another 8 days and reviews are already being posted?  That's confidence in your product. 

    Yeah because Forza Horizon 5 which is sitting at a 92 didn't have confidence in its product. Embargo dates at this point are completely arbitrary.

  2. 2 hours ago, TLHBO said:

    Wait, Snorza? Snorza is what he was referring to? :mroff:


    Nobody fucking cares about the 20th Forza game. It’s like the tony hawk games or Fifa, nobody cares what it scores because it’s not a “real” game. That franchise is more stale than a 20 year old cracker.


    I wouldnt be surprised if it scored high due to the injection of sjw bullshit. That’s going to be an instant 10 from troons like Carolyn petit. Its funny how you hate the sjw agenda so much but you’re willing to turn a blind eye when it comes to a Microsoct product. You stand for nothing Dynaflop, you’re just a coward.

    Yeah nobody cares about Forza, just went AAA on GS and AAAA on IGN.



  3. 1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


    Xbox's highest scoring game for the rest of the gen is releasing this month according to you.  Which means you don't have much faith in the next 5 years of Xbox games :drake:

    You have such intense levels of autism. The statement didn't need to be prefaced by "thus far" as that's clearly evident, but your dumb sheep brain just can't comprehend even the simplest of things.


    Holy hell...



  4. 13 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    LOL i love how these extremely stupid people who don't know about gamepass, are tech saavy enough to go around outside the windows store.


    it really is funny watching you just stack more bullshit on top of your existing bullshit.


    microsoft............who is running ad campaigns on nfl games right now.......isn't marketing enough to make pc gamers know about gamepass.:drake:

    I'm not having this debate with you. You're out of your depths.

  5. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    :drake:dude, windows literally gives you messages in the bottom right icon . they absolutely send messages about gamepass, especially to people who are not currently subscribed


    the windows store literally shows gamepass as one of its main advertisements, especially when they show a major video game like Flight Simulator and now AoE4, and it says to get it on GamePass.


    why are you pretending to play stupid?

    Everyone disables notifications, and no one uses the Windows store.


    Get real you fake PC using dickhead.

  6. 34 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    think about how stupid your excuse is.


    you think windows gamers...........with windows booting everytime they turn on their gaming pc..............don't know that they can get gamepass for $5 a month?


    you can't possibly be that stupid.

    They're not even aware of GamePass, are you completely retarded? There's no marketing for it on PC. Unless they're running around in console circles most don't have a clue about it.

  7. 43 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    you think that pc gamers.............where Minecraft became a hit outta nowhere.............where Terraria, Five Nights at Freddys, PUBG, Escape from Tarkov all became massive hit outta nowhere..........with no marketing............all of them discovered and grew through word of mouth throughout steam.


    ..........you think PC gamers need a big marketing campaign to send them to a webpage to sign up for a $5 service?


    Its not because of marketing.

    Stop being you. The answer is yes, many people are not aware of it.

  8. 4 hours ago, jehurey said:

    they'll keep on taking a bath on the cost........if it genuinely grows.


    but there is something wrong with PC gamers and GamePass.


    There are tens of millions of PC gamers who have perfectly capable computers that can play most, if not all, of these games.  The service only cost them $5/month. Growth in that area should have been swift and explosive.

    And its not happening.


    If it keeps on slowing down, they either have to raise the price, or start cutting back on getting good games on the service. Either of those things would probably cause the userbase to deflate.

    It's the marketing for PC, a lot of people I run into don't even realize or know what it is. I can understand that nobody likes push marketing but it would help them quite a bit if they did that through Windows 11.

  9. 5 hours ago, jehurey said:

    LOL this is a compilation of older Mario Party mini-games. Its not a new release, hence no number at the end.


    So, a compilation of old stuff that's a flop?


    Think of it as the Master Chief Collection.




  10. 11 hours ago, PSTriple said:

    I see the fucking sheep still hyping up sales. "Dread" is a good term to describe the controls of Metroid Dread...a game that'll be forgotten in 2 months except by those emulating it NOT on Switch. 


    Can the Nintendo drones even damage control without using the term Windows when talking about Xbox? Gaming on Windows has become such a vast concept the whole idea of subscription services and front-end apps like Origin, UPlay and even Xbox Game Pass make it a beneficial system for the publishers...Microsoft included. Age of Empires IV just dropped. Forza Horizon 5 in a week. :denzel3:

    Coming in with the heat. I don't know if it's always been this way with the sheep around here, but they seem to try to involve themselves with everything that has nothing to do with them. 

  11. 34 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    If it wasn't for windows being the biggest platform Xbox would be dead because like you said... Xbox is a loss leader. 


    Windows is keeping Xbox alive dumbcunt. 

    Nothing is that simple, it's a symbiotic relationship. Sony is known for far more than PlayStation, and yet PlayStation is Sony's largest public marketing gateway. Xbox is no different. The only difference is that Sony only survives because of a ticking time bomb, and Microsoft does not. 

  12. 14 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Ubisoft's latest earnings report shows that the French mega-publisher is making significantly more money from selling PS4 games than Xbox One games.


    That's not surprising, considering that the PS4 is handily outselling the Xbox One worldwide. What is somewhat surprising is that the Xbox One owners appear to be spending more on Ubisoft games on a per user basis (as VentureBeat noticed).

    Ubisoft didn't break out this per-user stat in its most recent earnings report, but it did report that 41 percent of its holiday quarter 2015 revenue came from PS4 game sales versus 27 percent of revenue from Xbox One games. So in their entirety, the PS4 market is currently worth about 52 percent more to Ubisoft than the Xbox One market (all of Ubisoft's recent games have come out for both platforms




    This is from your article. How in the fuck you got good news out of this is beyond me. This is the height of desperation. Lol 


    Because whether you like it or not per capita sales are very important. 

  13. Just now, Goukosan said:


    There is new surface hardware every year and a huge show to go along with it.  Which the general public is more aware of than Xbox.... Xbox shows have been canned for more than year (lmfao inside Xbox lmfao) and no one noticed until 13 months later. 


    Windows is MS biggest platform bar none... The fact that you're denying this tells how delusional you are. 

    Xbox has the most publicized shows and events, Xbox has the most presence in the media, Xbox has the most commercials and air time. 


    Windows being the biggest platform isn't the point, the point is Xbox is the most commercialized form of public marketing Microsoft has, and without question.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:



    It sells better on Xbox by selling less :drake:

    You're so stupid I've had to quote the same post twice to contradict your dumbass, and shockingly it's my first post in the thread which made things as clear as day from the beginning.


    You are a slow mother fucker. 


    10 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

    This is actually speaking to the opposite, sure total sales are higher but unit sales per owner on Playstation are much lower.


    This is what Ubisoft was speaking about 5 years ago, Xbox users are more valuable to them than PlayStation users.


    This is quite literally saying PlayStation users do not buy games. This completely backfired on you.

    Try to keep up you downy. 

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