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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. A gender option lol? It's stupid but I'll only ever see it once and for a few seconds. Woopdie doo
  2. No, you're a trend rider which is why you can't seem to lock down to any faction. Things start going bad you jump ship, you've gone from a lem to a sheep, to a cow in the span of 3 years. PlayStation is on PC now so clearly you're about to go back to being a sheep. You have no identity.
  3. Let's not forget that these faggots also never reduce the price of their games.
  4. Yes they are, not a point of contention. You can't argue against facts, you'll try but you've already lost for even entertaining the idea of doing so. Thanks for playing.
  5. Hope? They're already doing it shit for brains
  6. A consumer grade 5900X dumps on this CPU not to mention it's completely handicapped by its limp dick GPU so what's the point? "server-class"
  7. Just look at how quickly you realize PlayStation and PC are destined to be as one. We already know, you already know, you might as well just become one of us.
  8. We've already seen the game, it's pretty clear that they're just taking their work from GT Sport and brushing it up a bit.
  9. Never on PC LOL? Didn't Sony just buy Housemarque... It's being ported at this very moment.
  10. 89/100 on Meta with a 9/10 on GS. The package will be reviewed as one both campaign and multiplayer.
  11. Who knows how they're even going to score it, the campaign and the multiplayer are stand-alone. It might even be two scores.
  12. Infinite is a soft reboot, it's still continuing from where Halo 5 left off but ignoring all of the concepts and ideals that went along with Halo 5. Honestly just watch a 20-minute recap video on YouTube and you'll be all caught up. They did say the game would be good for new people to the series as well.
  13. Well I don't love you and you're clearly a garbage human being, so much for your theory
  14. I'm not getting any impression that this won't be the case. Halo 3 was barren, wide open environments with few obstacles just packed with enemies. Infinite is much more dense, many more trees, structures, environmental geometry not to mention verticality. All the same things without a doubt happening but largely masked by the greater environmental complexity.
  15. They already showed that these large-scale battles exist last year. That 8 minute video showed chief making his way up a mountainside killing like 50 enemies.
  16. Sounds pretty solid, the one thing I appreciate about Microsoft's PC initiative is the scalability of their games. Given how hard it is to come by computer hardware right now it's nice to know that people with systems that are even 6 to 7 years old can enjoy a game like this without a worry.
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