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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. Yep, clearly just larping...
  2. Why would I care? I only ever played this game on PC.
  3. Anticipated based upon what metric lol?
  4. PS4 Pro was a 2.3x upgrade over the PS4, Xbox One X was a 4.58x upgrade over the Xbox One. This is a 1.44x upgrade over the PS5. Absolutely pointless pile of nonsense milking garbage.
  5. They're all pointless, it's some retard ego stroke that does nothing. At least when buying and playing Steam games you get points and cards to customize your profile, startup animations etc.
  6. I think the lunatics are starting to accept that Sony games on PC are not going anywhere. They're sounding super defeated.
  7. The games are already resolving to 4K with alternative rendering good enough to not have a care in the world, and the games are mostly all 60 FPS. Sell me this machine.
  8. It's like you're completely retarded or something. That's not the point. The point is this is a product that doesn't really serve any sort of necessitive function. The Pro and X consoles from last generation served to bridge the gap from 1080p to 4K during a television transitory period. These consoles are already resolving 4K renders through a usage of alternative rendering methods, and as highlighted the 99th percentile of games are already 60 FPS. It's a product without a purpose, this isn't hard to understand.
  9. This thing is going to flop so hard, it serves no fucking function. Games already scale to 4K through alternative rendering, the 99th percentile of games are already 60 FPS. Absolutely moronic product trying to fill a non-existent void.
  10. Japan was 1/7th of the total sales, that's atrocious overall volume.
  11. What are you talking about? The T-60 is running on a fusion core AKA a nuclear battery.
  12. It's running on a decade old engine on a 9th generation console lmao while Hellblade 2 is on a new engine pushing it to its current limits, and you're shocked at one being 60 FPS and the other is 30 FPS, you're retarded... Gears 5 was 60 FPS on the 8th generation Xbox One X on that same engine you dumbass lol. What a feat of engineering that some Korean developers got their game to 60 FPS on a system multiple times more powerful with this same decade old engine...
  13. Turns out you weren't wrong lmfao https://www.neogaf.com/threads/sea-of-thieves-on-ps5-reveals-microsofts-trojan-horse-to-turn-millions-of-ps5-users-into-xbox-users.1669514/
  14. It worked out amazingly for Sony.... In the end they made the right call not chasing it.
  15. People really should have listened about Rise of the Ronin, that game looked like low budget jank from the second they actually showed it in action.
  16. It's inarguably the best looking game ever created maybe? Stupidity runs in groups around here.
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