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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. It's AAA on GS, 8.5 on IGN, 85 on Metacritic, it was nominated for a bunch of awards and won several of them... It was one of the best games of the year, do you morons have amnesia?
  2. You made a shitty Jon level thread without a source and failed to provide any context. Failure? It was one of the best games of the year... You have a mental disorder.
  3. Your GPU is inferior, and you game on a television and a monitor from 2008.
  4. Why do you always cry about nothing? Boo fucking hoo, there's a minor performance issue on a new operating system for two weeks... Wahhhhhh... You're such an overdramatic whiny bitch.
  5. I have some of the best hardware on the market, I could get hit with a 25% degradation in performance and wouldn't even notice.
  6. They made the game... Also to this thread. According to Corden, he’s been in contact with several sources close to the project, and has even seen early footage of the game in action. Word is, Avowed is coming along well and approaching a fully-playable alpha state.
  7. That was pretty damn quick, it's nice to see they resolved this that fast. https://wccftech.com/amd-ryzen-cpus-l3-latency-performance-fix-to-be-resolved-by-microsoft-through-windows-11-update-on-19th-october-cppc-driver-on-21st/
  8. All I'm going to say is this, does anyone else notice that it's only the leftists on this board that are fine with the erasement of history? You guys are idiots.
  9. Because it removes the entire context of the people you're fighting against and their significance as to why you're fighting them. This is based around World War II. There were specific countries and political alignments involved in this war. Removing that defeats the entire purpose. They were Nazis, their branding was a swastika.
  10. It doesn't have to be. Regardless of the authenticity of the story it's based off of something real.
  11. Nazi zombies is a fictional take on something real. What's taking place here is the attempt to erase something real and replace it with something fictitious. You guys really need to stop being dumb.
  12. Don't be stupid, if a swastika triggers you enough to the point where you need to disable it you probably shouldn't be taking part in a game where you actually live out the action of what surrounded that war. You guys cannot be this dumb, but you probably are.
  13. This is just pointless virtue signaling. When someone says "the n word" the actual word is projected to the forefront of your thoughts completely invalidating the need to even say "the n word". The same applies here, we all know they're Nazis, we all know what the swastika looks like and the fact that it's being masked. Absolutely pointless drivel.
  14. He has the horizontal resolution but not the vertical. My display is 3440x1440, it's a 1440p Ultrawide, not a 3.5k display lol.
  15. Don't get arrogant now, in nearly every case you're on the backside of these things.
  16. Honestly when you're playing the game I doubt it'll be something you even notice, it seems to be decently far off into the distance. I'd rather have the greater draw distance because it really conveys the scale.
  17. @Remij You got pretty bent over here lol...
  18. The draw in is pretty expected. This scale and this amount of detail drawing in as quickly as it is is no small feat.
  19. Few people have a better setup than mine, if anything most anyone in the enthusiast arena is fairly level. Your post makes little sense. Let's see, a display which gets burn in on a platform which has many static elements, sounds awesome. Lower refresh rate, higher input lag, inferior aspect ratio, incapable of VRR at high refresh rate and a higher minimum threshold. TV's are improving in many regards but they're inferior where it counts.
  20. What self respecting PC uses a TV as a primary display lmao...
  21. GT 'needing' an online connection is completely different. Don't entangle the optional with the required and then try to project that they're the same.
  22. While stupid I could care less. This is like TLHBO freaking out about Windows 11 account links and their optional nature. You don't have to like it, you also don't have to take part in it.
  23. What rights do trannies not have? They're just people like everyone else and are afforded the same rights. You're expecting special privileges, you're expecting exceptions.
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