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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. Did you just compare dying your hair to having your dick chopped up and turned into a "vagina"? Really dude? These people are mutilating their bodies as a result of a mental illness, that's like advocating for cutting and other self harm. Even worse after they gets these surgeries the suicide rate for these people is even higher. Certain things in society should not be advocated for, coddled or legal. It being your body isn't a good excuse, themedical practice should be abolished. You're complicit in furthering these peoples problems. The left is a sickness
  2. Except that's not what's happening, traditional hardware isn't going anywhere for a long time so only Nintendo is at a disadvantage. Also eventually people are not going to want to have to buy hardware so again Nintendo is going to be at yet another disadvantage. I think over the next 15-20 years you need to be prepared for a world where Nintendo no longer exists, at least not as they do now. They're likely end up as a software creator.
  3. When the shoe gets put on the other foot they uproot everything they've ever said and go against it, idiots.
  4. Actually they do, it's already live internally from their datacenter in Quincy, WA. In terms of AWS quit peddling that shit, you sound so dumb. They have no control over that, they're a customer, Microsoft owns their datacenters, their own hardware, they can dictate every aspect of them, they're deploying underwater datacenters in the ocean. Sony relying on a third party for their infrastructure isn't doing them any favors. They're at the mercy of Amazon.
  5. You say this now because Sony has limited competition in this market and things are just starting out, but the second Microsoft enters the fray and is dropping first party titles regularly your tune will shift. This isn't even some kind of prediction, this is the inevitable nature of competition weeding out the weak. When Microsoft starts firing on all cylinders and their studios are outputting games cyclically and all of that is hitting these services day one; Sony's entrance into the market will wither and die if they don't do the same. They won't be able to compete in that market if all of
  6. I'd say you're next but Nintendo can't even get a single game to function properly online let alone spearhead a cloud infrastructure By virtue of sucking ass Nintendo is safe
  7. You kind of sound like Aza right now, not outright denying but still speaking a bit ahead of yourself. The PS5 could launch with this stuff going on and first party game releases from day one, it's a bit too forthright for you to be saying this. I mean we're all aware this won't replace dedicated hardware for quite some time, dedicated hardware will still sell a ton but I can't see Sony letting their competitor come out of the gates with all these new games available on day one and then Sony saying "Oh here's some PS4 games from three years ago and a bunch of PS3 games"... That won
  8. Yeah but they went from expanse to dialing things back, I think Microsoft kind of lit a fire under their ass to get back into it.
  9. I remember the arguments you guys even had here about this, like did he really think Sony wasn't going to follow suit with something this big lol?
  10. A recent job posting on Greenhousesays that Sony Interactive Entertainment’s cloud engineering team is working towards “putting console-quality games on any device.” Don't change what you guys said about Xbox now, Sony is doing the exact same thing https://ticgamesnetwork.com/platforms/playstation/job-posting-gives-a-glimpse-of-sonys-plan-to-put-playstation-now-games-on-any-device/
  11. G29 is PlayStation, G920 is Xbox https://www.bestbuy.com/site/logitech-g920-driving-force-racing-wheel-for-xbox-one-and-windows-black/4223402.p?skuId=4223402
  12. Not really, there's so many cracks in that gameplay video in terms of what's actually taking place. It seems big and ambitious on the surface but it's all compartmentalized, assets streaming in at X distances, pop in, LoD's drawing in, shadows drawing in, NPC's drawing in, traffic drawing in. I've said this before if you look beyond 150-200 feet there's nothing, it's just empty environmental geometry, a lot of straight lines, simple shapes and blocks making up a city scape which isn't very mathematically intense. The game puts a lot up in your face to steal your focus and gaze from the backdro
  13. Nothing about it in the exact way it was shown looks even remotely out of the bounds of current generation console feasibility.
  14. You sound like you've done an about face on what you've said previously, shakey, very shakey.
  15. The Wii U was a fixed console that remained connected to the TV but had the Gamepad which games, UI elements and system features streamed to. The Switch is basically taking that system and bundling it into one.
  16. It's not the same hardware but it is similarly speced, the capability is very Wii U'ish.
  17. Cool, you have this one great game after 14 months while we get them year round because people actually develop games for our platforms...
  18. @Remij_ This is a prediction/opinion of stockwatch.pl, a Polish investment analysis firm.An excerpt from their report: Translation by a reddit user (a native polish speaker and a translator, but please take it with a grain of salt): Cyberpunk 2077 vs RDR2: We're keeping to the estimation of a debut in Q4 of 2019, with sales of 19 million copies in Q4 alone, and income of 1.9 billion PLN (about 525 million USD). During a conference call, the Board has confirmed that quality remains the absolute highest priority for CD Projekt, and Cyberpunk 2077 will be no l
  19. Shit, sign me up. Since when is a blowjob something negative?
  20. Not just that, the only thing they'll talk about (sales) for this game are going in the other direction lol.
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