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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. Okay great, and how many dozens of big games has it missed this year and will miss next year? Getting the one off really good exclusive game maybe once or twice a year doesn't offset not getting dozens of AAA and AA multiplatform games. The former is a categorically worse position to be in, the industry has swept you sheep under the rug and Nintendo is the only one moving weight, sparsely at that.
  2. You're a moron, it's not Microsoft's theater, they don't own it. They are the sponsor of it... Microsoft literally just acquired Obsidian you moron, this game was funded and published by another company which Obsidian bears contractual obligation to.
  3. I wonder if this game has Bethesda in a frenzy, this seems like a blatant hit job on them. A "It may not be Fallout in name, but we're reclaiming Fallout".
  4. I don't get you, you're a sheep who misses out on like Jon said 90% of game releases and you're sitting here trying to poke fun at a platform which is getting this huge release with an early demo while yours is not getting the game at all. Stop acting like a cow, you're a gameless sheep, play the part.
  5. Nah I really don't, I keep it around as a force of habit. I've always had a PC and if I didn't it would be weird. It's loud, expensive, annoying and cumbersome overall as a platform. Sure it's the most technically proficient platform but that is so far gone from mattering in my mind I couldn't give less of a shit. My Xbox One X games look nigh identical to what PC is doing in basically all cases, the Pro is fine for what it does, 30 FPS doesn't matter in most games and it doesn't negatively hamper the experience in most games. The games that need to be 60 FPS generally do have 60 FPS, and for
  6. I've never left PC, I just don't care about it anymore. It's a forum posting and CS 1.6 machine.
  7. The art design? Looking like a game from the early 90's is art design?
  8. Him saying "It could have been better" was a joke on the heels of them acquiring all those studios you brick brain dumbshit.
  9. As I said it's a residual effect of Play Anywhere, the games are Play Anywhere. If you have license access to the game you can play it anywhere, Xbox GamePass grants license access and as such a Play Anywhere game in the list can be played on PC. It's residual, nothing more and nothing less.
  10. "I was out doing important things until I got back the exact moment God of War got the win and I posted immediately after"
  11. No it doesn't In your dumbo idiot head That has no bearing on how the game would run on console to begin with The community is not split, it's unified, nothing changed in the community Again, in your dumb head They're giving Xbox money, that's in Xbox's best interest For a third time this is in your head You're a grade A fucking moron.
  12. You get a collection, that's it, and maybe not even that lol
  13. I'm not arguing its existence, I'm laughing at the direction you think all of this is headed.
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