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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. There were two. It won't seem so funny when your pastime desolves and comes to a close when the conversations dry up.
  2. He's "one of those" who act like marketing deals make something exclusive.
  3. Might as well make it permanent, I won't be back. Arbitrary rules resulting in moderation don't sit well with me.
  4. Closet homosexuality with intrigue for fashion disguised as a want to watch half naked women. What is porn my dude? This is like reading a Sports Illistrated Swimsuit Edition, do you know what century we're in?
  5. I chuckled for sure, the rest though is a big negative.
  6. 1) Traditionalism is a fallacy flying in the face of logic. 2) Total spending was $250 million which means max sales would be 833,000 for the week, however other items are included in that spend so it's no doubt just north of 800k. 3) Even if so it A. won't be some huge divergence and B. doesn't mean it sold less than the Switch. Nintendo's deals came to a close and were exhausted before Microsoft's. Also again it was down pre-Cyber Monday, they've said nothing since. 4) I'm not the least bit worried, Nintendo will probably tap out at 1.05 million and Micros
  7. Let's shit on the people willing to spend the most on our products, brilliant business move.
  8. I love how you guys flip logic on its head depending on what's going on, if this were reversed you'd say the PlayStation 4 was selling out and no one wanted an Xbox One. You're that stupid to think a post like yours could actually fly
  9. Lynux already owns an Xbox One, an X for that matter and as far as the other guy I have no idea. It's five years old and this is an extremist gaming forum, people are going to buy things.
  10. They didn't say Xbox may be down for November, they said it may be down for the holiday weekend, not the month as a whole. You're intentionally mincing words. You're also forgetting that the system sold 1.296 million consoles last November, 1 million the year before that, 1.3 million the year before that, and 1.29 million the year before that. They said the Switch was up significantly for the weekend, okay, well the system only sold 850,000 last year. So even if Xbox were down and Switch were up there's still a massive gap that would need to be bridged for it to be meaningful infor
  11. When Nintendo comes in third you're going to kill yourself, the lead up from you has been nothing short of hilarious with misplaced confidence.
  12. Anything redeeming you can think of? The story, atmosphere, level design etc?
  13. I'm sure you're capable, I'm not saying it beat the PS4 but I feel like a lot of people (almost this entire board) are underestimating how well it will have done.
  14. What are your thoughts on it? Is it worthy of investing time in, does it resonate like System Shock or Bioshock did?
  15. You're German, non-Americans obsessed with America. Could you be any more European
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