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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. How was it in any way junk? You're stupid.
  2. Garbage control test is garbage
  3. Which would make a cheaper purchase more likely, most who buy these more expensive things know exactly what they're getting themselves into.
  4. It is the base system, why Gooberson linked you the Spiderman release Pro bundle is beyond me.
  5. "Xbox One sales show the highest growth of the three major hardware platforms in the U.S. this year, and the Xbox One X in particular has been performing phenomenally... year-over-year growth like this at this point in the cycle has never been seen before, driven by launch of the Xbox One X and new content delivery efforts. It's a mid-generation turnaround the market's never seen before. This qualifies as phenomenal, even if not market leading." https://m.windowscentral.com/xbox-one-x-performing-phenomenally-says-npd the X is fire bitches, without a shadow of a doubt i
  6. Y'all are straight retarded A few thoughts on holiday weekend
  7. And they created cards around it that can barely handle it. We're back to 2007 again where nothing could run Crysis, the difference being now this hardware is specifically made for this and still can't handle it lol.
  8. You might be thinking of something else, the X800 XT PE and 6800 Ultra murdered in 2004.
  9. As long as you try to delusionally convince people this GPU was not a mistake. Did you see this hate for the 1070, 1080, 1070 Ti or the 1080 Ti? No, because this isn't hate for Nvidia, the RTX line is pure junk.
  10. This has nothing to do with AMD, the GPU on its own should not have been released. No one is comparing anything.
  11. We'll see, but 11'odd million doesn't appear outlandish even now. Also you're dragging in two different lines of posts relating to two different things for fiscal years and calendar year so I'm not going to muddle them, that's a completely separate discussion and I'm going to stick to exactly what we're talking about. I said the Switch would greatly underperform the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in November if it was $300, it wasn't. It was $300 with a $60 game included meaning the system itself was $240.
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