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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. I already explicitly stated what, why are you asking dumb questions which have already been answered and read by you?
  2. That's just Jerry trying to validate what he's saying, and he's wrong/exaggerating. I've got like 80 hours into the game on Wii U and like 50 on Switch so I know exactly how they perform.
  3. Clearly this went a wee bit over your head Jerry. Owning all platforms has nothing to do with being an "expert" and everything to do with platform viability leveraged against each other. Owning a Wii U the Switch is less viable as most of its notable games are in fact Wii U games. I bought Breath of the Wild on Wii U well before I bought my Switch. Also the framerate is not "significantly worse". The game is fairly stable in general and tanks in rough areas like Kakariko Village when it's raining, the same rough areas the Switch tanks in as well, the drops are just a bit more prono
  4. Something people actually have/do play and will talk about. No one wants to hear or see anything about these games you post. They're of no interest, so little in fact there's not enough interest to even look at what they are to make fun of them. You post these threads week in and week out and no one talks about these games with you. These threads don't serve a purpose, not even informatively, no one cares.
  5. I thought tge music throughout was all well done and picked.
  6. I just beat it, the metacritic average matches my view of the game. I also like how the credits help to further bridge the gap between the second and first game.
  7. It's all the truth and Jerry would have you believe otherwise, and I know it sounds negative but again it's the truth. I don't know what your gaming situation is but I own all four platforms (Wii U included) as I'm sure you're aware, and I haven't purchased a game for Switch since Super Mario Oddesey came out so that's 13 months ago, and it's the only "Switch game" I own, I had BotW on Wii U already so that's another title neutered for it. It's been a Wii U and last generation port fest with a few okay games thrown in the mix thst still didn't push me into purchasing
  8. I think they'll no doubt look better but will be a large sufferer of diminishing returns. I'm not expecting a 7th to 8th gen leap, maybe half as pronounced as that if even.
  9. Tries making fun of a system with the game by acknowledging his system doesn't even have it. That's new levels of dumb.
  10. Except it has digital triggers which immediately invalidates it as the best controller.
  11. The DualShock 4 is fine, it just has terrible battery life.
  12. Can Aza get a sticky for all his weeaboo stuff that literally no other person on this website cares about.
  13. The system only has 32gb's of storage and some games require large installs so you will need an SD card for extended storage. ($20-$40) Also you'll want to buy a glass screen protector, the screen is soft plastic and very prone to scuffs and scratches plus the dock itself leaves blemishes on the screen. ($10) The Joycons are small and awkward to hold if you don't have female or asian hands so you'll want to buy a Pro controller as well. The Joycons also have no D-pad, they have directional buttons. To add to this all the triggers are digital on both the Joycons and Pro
  14. Yes it's $20 a year and not worth it when you weigh the landscape of online games. The only perk is some NES games you have access to. No other systems games work on Switch, Nintendo killed the virtual console Amiibo and some DLC depending on the game
  15. Xbox isn't losing shit, it's going to sell a ton like it always has every November and December. You're a moron.
  16. It's like that if you're trash and shop at Walmart
  17. You guys will have nothing to talk about, the Xbox presence on this forum will cease to exist thus arguments and instigation will as well. No one cares about the dumb sheep so nothing interesting will come from them.
  18. Drowning, doing great, it doesn't matter what's happening with me you guys are always sucking my dick. Variations of my name are probably some of the most common words used on this board.
  19. If we were both gone this forum would wither and die in a month.
  20. Give me better words that fit what's being discussed than operation or function, by all means please enlighten me oh great thesaurus man. It's proper diction bud, those words have strict application in these kinds of discussions because you're indeed discussing.... you guessed it, functions and operations of technology... Oh does it now? Yeah? You're kind of leaving out the settings it needs to operate at to achieve those metrics. It's not Ultra and that's for damn sure, it's a half baked product that should have never of been released. They should have delayed until what will now
  21. The card can barely handle 1080p with RTX and it only averages about a 20-25% performance advantage over the 1080 Ti at double its cost. On top of this cards have been failing. It's been an operational disaster. Pick up a dictionary dip shit.
  22. As previously stated, none of us should care about this corporate angularity because none of it benefits us. I know what you're saying, there's no misunderstanding there but as a consumer it's a retarded position to stand behind which is exactly why I said it reads like bonafide PR. What a console is selling unless it's absolutely abysmal numbers doesn't matter and doesn't have an effect on the consumer. What a system is worth selling for to Sony has no bearing on its intrinsic value and worth as a product. People buy things even if they're too expensive, they just do, it happens regardless o
  23. Kind of like a $1,500 video card that's been nothing but a operational disaster...
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