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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. Yeah, it's getting all the old because it can't run the new PLEASE BE EXCITED!
  2. Into 2019 easily even after the game releases
  3. They blew their whole load in the first 30 seconds on a 30 minute presentation, incredible, incredible shit...
  4. LOL it was just another long drawn out smash character introduction
  5. lol launching 6 different FF games in the next 3 months.
  6. Nothing has been said about them on this.
  7. It's looking like Metroid and Bayo 3 aren't going to be here until at least 2020 which no one will give a shit about because Xbox Scarlett and PS5 will be rolling in.
  8. Even their new games are just takes on Wii U games, jesus christ.
  9. 30 seconds of 15 minutes has been good lol
  10. Now they justify charging money for their ass network
  11. The Genesis was discontinued in 1997 competing for dollars against 5th generation consoles, I guess that's a 5th generation console as well right?
  12. The Switch launched 5 years into the 8th generation and directly replaced an 8th generation console that had just failed and been discontinued. Can you show me even one instance of something like this taking place over that span of time in a generation that does not classify the successor system as being next generation?
  13. Was Russia Americanized during this time, like was there a big consumption of American media back then, movies, music etc or was it a bubble?
  14. Since when has a hardware generation been an aspect of time?
  15. That would actually mean something if they were competing in the same generation.
  16. The Switch does not belong to this generation. Nintendo quit the 8th generation, they discontinued their 8th generation console.
  17. Sony won, Microsoft came second, Nintendo quit.
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