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Everything posted by DynamiteCop

  1. I need to stop looking at these threads, I want to be surprised.
  2. If you've got legal documentation then you've got nothing to worry about, if you don't then you do, and you should have things to worry about. What's the problem here exactly?
  3. Problems that did not exist which suddenly started to exist when mass migration of immigrants began flooding the country... Yes, it's fascism to point out the obvious and try to correct it... The left, holy shit you people are certifiably retarded
  4. Frostbite games have destructible environments, more advanced destruction than anything seen in CP which was relegated to some holes being pierced in a wall and materials breaking off of pillars. In terms of environmental scale who knows how large Anthem is, it looks massive, you're also not factoring in the high levels of vegetation, rocky surfaces which are much more geometrically complex and water simulation. Also most of the geometry in CP is flat and cylindrical shapes, buildings, streets and vehicles are very basic geometry, assets is what should be your keynote. As I noted earlier in an
  5. I don't know how people can accept this as current generation without issue yet view Cyberpunk as some mind bending absurdity to even think that, cognitive dissonance if I've ever seen it.
  6. My biggest question is who is taking pictures of him.
  7. I already told you, when I said those things I was using them as a synonym. The main talking point of those threads was November and Black Friday, was it not? Well, that is what I was engaging in. You're not backing me into some kind of corner like you think you are, you're not more intelligent than me, and like I did then my posts are being further clarified now. I was being specific, you're paint with broad strokes, we're worlds apart.
  8. A month after I changed my stance? That was the first time I was asked about December. Are you having that much trouble connecting the dots here? I said holidays and I admit that, if that wording confused you then I'm sorry. BUT, what should have caused zero confusion was literally every subsequent post I made tying into that which pertained entirely and solely to the month of November and Black Friday. So there should have been no confusion whatsoever. You're trying to attach implications to my posts which I never made, no one ever said anything to or asked me about December, it w
  9. You're not getting this. You came after me, you guys came after me individually as if I said anything about the Switch and how it would sell in December. That never happened, I never specified, I never talked about it because it wasn't relevant or pertinent to what I was talking about in the discussion. Everything I said, every assertion I made was about November and Black Friday, nothing more, nothing less. I turned out to be 100% right, I'm genuinely puzzled why you started this shit fit in the first place but all I can think of is me being right for all of that that caused you
  10. I'm not digging anything, you even say it right here, plain as day. And what was I talking about? I don't care what other people were saying in the conversation or what it is based off of or your interpretations of the overall discussion. What was I as an individual talking about? November and Black Friday, done and done.
  11. No one saw any lies from me, they saw you posting one thing I said out of context 20 times and then leaving out all the subsequent posts that followed which definitively clarified what I was talking about, in detail. These posts, the ones you never brought up because they render you the liar. Jackass.
  12. It was about the whole month AND Black Friday, also that Adobe information which was spread by news outlets only pertained to online sales, not brick and mortar.
  13. Oh shut the hell up man, you're tired and through. What I said was clear as day. Did I say holidays? Yes, did I make post, after post, after post, after post beyond that which clarified me talking specifically about Black Friday and November? Also yes. You're done, no one is lying but you. You're trying to twist a single thing that was defined 50 fucking times by me over the course of the month as relating to Black Friday and November and you're trying to pigeonhole that into December because the Switch won, it's all there black and white. You're fucking pathetic, and d
  14. I'm all for rational debate, but when you hamstring an argument on a series of falsities and try misrepresent what someone says you better believe they're going to fire back. Sheep are code stone liars, they took a massive L for November and they've tried tirelessly to get my statements for that month to transcend and apply to December. Back fucking fire to the most extreme degree. Indeed.
  15. And here is where everything collapses for you retards, I've been using "holidays" synonymous with Black Friday and November since day one. Maybe I confused the lot of you morons, regardless it's clear in conversation from A-Z that everything I've said was hamstringed to only November and Black Friday. This is all in one thread, the thread that spawned all of this. Here is the excerpt that goober keeps posting, as I said it lacks further clarification and context. THIS WHOLE THING WAS ALWAYS ABOUT NOVEMBER AND BLACK FRIDAY. I know what I did and didn't say,
  16. What was the context of that thread? Oh yeah, November and Black Friday... We've been over this countless times retard. You're posting all of this devoid of the conversation context. You're being a disingenuous douchebag.
  17. You're proving me right, you literally just posted that same thing again. God damn you're mentally incompetent.
  18. He's lying again, notice they keep posting that same thing? They're reaching, grasping onto one thing. December was never on the table until BH asked about it, you saw my response.
  19. It is to normal people not trying to spin.
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