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Posts posted by DynamiteCop

  1. 3 minutes ago, -GD- said:



    i will be playing the 4k/30 fps mode anyhow. 

    I will as well but it really depends on what they're able to get out of the 60 mode. If it's 1440p+ I think I'd go that route even though the 30 experience is still smooth with their really good motion blur implementation.


    Would you mind cleaning this thread up, those posts above are just retarded. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, bhytre said:

    Lemwarriors need their protein B) The best available controller just got even better :bate:

    Nyko had a controller for PC in the early 2000's with tiny fans in it that kept your hands cool. If Microsoft could pull this off with minimal battery drain I would spend $100 on that.

  3. We all know this mode is going to be a locked 60 FPS as PG/Turn 10 always churn out a locked framerate,  so how do you think Playground is going to handle the resolution side of things to attain this?


    • 1080p
    • 1440p
    • 1800p
    • Some obscure numbered resolution
    • Dynamic scaling
    • Advanced rendering (sparse rendering/checkerboard etc.)


    I'm going with an aggressive dynamic scaler which has a low of around 1440p and a high around 1800p. To maintain a locked 30 FPS at native 4K they've clearly got a performance surplus which mitigates any drops below that threshold so the game is likely averaging in the low 40's. With that said factoring in dynamic scaling they should be able to maintain that threshold for a 60 FPS lock in the low 70's bumping down the resolution when needed in that that 1440p to 1800p range depending on what is going on. I don't see these guys messing around with any kind of checkerboard rendering, they seem to be very much about native renders so it will be interesting to see where this falls. I assume there's no resolution information as of yet because they're currently tuning this for peak operation and don't have a final number yet.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    and what titleS are lighting up the charts on Xbox1? :Jeff:


    Xbox1 is starved... actually in a famine for AAA exclusive content.   So that should mean Indies and 3rd party AAAs are selling gang Busters on Xbox1.... Amirite? :bena:



    I'd say there's a pretty equal dispersion of spending on Xbox, no facet of its game market excels well beyond the next except in rare instances where something like Halo comes along. All games seem to do fairly well whether it be Xbox exclusives, AAA multiplatforms or indie titles. Switch sales are incredibly lopsided because there's an entire segment of the game market missing from the platform. There's no AAA multiplatform market on the Switch, that money and spending that would be dedicated to that has to go somewhere.

  5. Just now, Goukosan said:

    Yes Sea of Thieves did ok. 


    What other titles lit up the chart on Xbox1 this year?  If that logic holds through Xbox1 software should be topping the charts regularly because they're in a famine. 


    Every single title on Switch that does well, the excuse is "because they're starving" 


    Hollow Knight - They're starving 

    Mario Tennis - They're starving 

    Octopath - They're starving. 

    Dead Cells - They're starving. 

    *insert title here" - they're starving. 



    Aren't you noticing this trend though? It's exceptionally good indie type games that are selling this well or Nintendo games. There's almost no AAA multiplatforms on the platform to offset these sales so this money that would typically be spent on them is diverted to atypical products in a substantial way.


    If Switch got everything that Xbox One and PlayStation 4 got in a AAA capacity the indie and lesser game sales wouldn't be as substantial as they are or substantial period.

  6. 4 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

    A 9 for a racing game is like a 6 when compared to a real game :killzone:

    Actually a 9 for a racing game would be like an 11 for a "real" game, it's harder for racing games to attain these higher scores. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:

    jon theres a reason vegas doesnt accept superbowl bets at halftime :hest:

    So what you're saying is that his bet is a sure thing and it would be stupid to accept it? Is that what you're saying?

  8. 4 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Congratulations, you have ascended. You may always be wrong but at least you were the only lemming that doesn't post like a 12 year old. They have done a number on you. 

    When in Rome. 

  9. Just now, Remij_ said:

    Gamespot 9/10

    IGN 9.2

    Meta 91


    If it got 10/10 at GS I'd be floored.. I hope I'm wrong :smoke: 

    From what I've seen they pulled out all the stops for this game, it looks bigger and better in every way so it's possible. A 10/10 for a racer is unheard of but this game could actually pull it off. 

  10. Let's see what you've got ladies, if there was one racing game to get a 10/10 it would be this one. Everything about it looks to have been stepped up, graphics, environments and interaction, weather system, seasons being added, fully persistent online world, 60 FPS option on the X etc. 


    GS: 10/10

    IGN: 9.2/10

    Meta: 93/100




  11. 2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    The flat out say the lighting and shadows look better.. and while the puddle scene composition looks better in the 2017 demo, the puddle wasn't removed for any technical reason but rather likely an artistic reason due to the amount of time it would take to do that for every scene... so instead they fall back on screen space reflections and less accurate cube maps so that reflections are consistent throughout.


    That's hardly saying what you guys were in the other thread that it was "downgraded" implying that the hardware wasn't capable...

    The game is dropping down to 1584p and 900p with temporal injection, it's already operating at substandard resolutions even with advanced rendering reprocessing the image. I'd say it's pretty safe to assume changes made were because of hardware demands. 

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