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Posts posted by DynamiteCop

  1. 2 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

    You just don't get it do you :mj:

    Apparently you don't. Repeating "it's over your head" or "you just don't get it" multiple times why failing to extrapolate how I supposedly am when repeatedly asked doesn't vindicate what you're saying. It's an easy way of talking shit to someone without actually holding a position.


    It's like saying "you're wrong" without explaining how, it's what dumb people do. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    Six individuals saying "I don't care" isn't spam because it was a response to something you threw out there. 


    If those same six individuals start responding over and over and over with " I do not care" then that constitutes spam.


    So if this forum had 100 active users and each person came in saying "nobody gives a shit"; that's not spam?


    You're a terrible moderator, it doesn't have to be a repeated action by a single user. It's spamming a thread with the same non-objective and unsolicited irrelevant shit posting by multiple users, it's still spam. 

  3. Just now, Goukosan said:

    news flash.... not because YOU care about Forza = everyone cares or that everyone should care. 


    A few "no one cares" posts by different posters is not stopping the people who care from discussing the game. 


    If posters come in and actually spammed the thread... that will be taken care of and it will be cleaned up so that the discussion about the game can continue. 

    Six people essentially back to back saying "nobody gives a shit" is spam, it doesn't matter if it's from one party or not. Why are you a moderator again?

  4. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    I love how he's now trying to take commonly used descriptive terminologies and trying to make literal arguments out of them.


    Its obvious the he knows that he has nowhere to go except to pretend to play dumber and dumber.:tom:The great part is how he's entering the very thing that I enjoy doing most.

    Being a dumbass? Sure, I'm entertaining that. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    are you guys really getting your panties in a bunch over a "no one cares" post? lol


    Seriously now... DynamiteCop threw it out there and got a few "no one cares" responses.  


    If we start regulating every dismissive post, dismissive Jab... there would basically be no posts on the board. 


    If the thread was actually derailed with other shit... sure.  But "no one cares" responses to him throwing something out there is par for the course. 




    If that's par for the course then that's par for the course, but don't come in and intentionally fuck a thread up. If it's of no consequence to you and you don't care then don't post in it, any other action doesn't make sense. Do you not see how the entire thread is about that now and you encouraged that? Why are you a moderator again?


    @Alphonse @Cookester15

  6. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    You're not going out on a limb.


    You're trying to hide UNDER a rock and pretend you aren't.


    No one is buying it. We already know you "got" the joke, you're just trying to bog everything down because you think that actually "helps" your defense of the Xbox.


    Think about how sad that strategy is, for a second.

    Buying what? I'm not selling anything, the guy unintentionally turned his post into a double entendre and didn't even realize it. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    I love how Dynocrap DECIDED that his best strategy here was pretend to play dumb...........but also try to give off the vibe that he knows what he's doing and its everybody else who is actually dumb.


    And absolutely NOBODY on this forum is buying it.:tom:

    Considering no one else yourself included actually explained what I was supposedly missing (and still haven't), I'm going to go out on a limb and say that they (you) are actually dumb.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Nah, they're not really responding and have no intention to.  They're purposefully derailing the thread.  If you don't care... you don't respond.  I think when someone obviously puts a bit of effort into creating the thread, either respond to it, or don't.  This whole "holier than thou" disregarding everything and shit can fuck off.  Nobody cares that they don't care... if you don't.. then fuck off.


    But hey... if you don't want anyone to even bother trying to make threads with the smallest amount of effort then fine... because if people kept responding like that to threads I made.. I'll just stop posting.  Fuck it :shrug: 

    It bugs me because when a serious discussion comes up people just shit all over it with no effort, there's a time and place for that but why in something that someone is obviously looking for real input on and viewpoints? I mean this is the first Horizon game to be 60 FPS on a console, that's a big deal and how they're achieving that is completely unknown and the game launches in only 22 days. This should be talked about, it should be speculated about, people should give their thoughts about how they think this will be done and clearly there's multiple people on this forum that this applies to.


    It's not even funny, they're not quips or joking around, it's just people being legit assholes. 



  9. 3 minutes ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

    Phil said they won't be doing VR. Makes sense with the with their streaming future that will never ever be good enough to handle VR.

    No one ever said that, they've said it's still something they're interested in but there's challenges and issues that they want rectified before an investment is even considered.


    My assumption is this has to do with affordability, wireless capability and form factor. I mean if you look at Hololens they have an entirely self-contained wireless system with its own hardware and software operation that's smaller and lighter than any VR solution.


    They obviously want this to all be the right fit before action is taken. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:


    you still dont understand your defense of xbox itt boils down to :


    "at least it plays movies - ps4 doesnt. didnt think of THAT, did ya? :trump:  " 



    Defense against what? A property Sony has the film rights to which segue into a game that wouldn't be anywhere else anyway because of the nature of those rights? It's not like Xbox is missing a game here, it's a Sony controlled property. You're speaking as if that game existing in 2018 somehow would be on another console in general, it wouldn't be.


    Xbox has its own stuff going on, its own games, basically a 95% shared library with the PS4 and you can watch 4K Blurays on it further solidifying its usefulness and practicality as the most well rounded manufactured 4K device. Everyone watches movies, I'd argue that gamers spend more time watching movies than playing games, this caters to both, the other caters to one. 


  11. 3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    Bro....Who are you making this bet with? 


    People saying they don't care about the bet is simply because you made a thread bet with no one. 

    It's not that kind of bet, it's more in line with just throw something out there and see who's right or at least closest to the actual result. 


    In terms of who? People who are interested in technology, the concept of a Horizon version of the ForzaTech engine running at 60 FPS on a console, what the possible outcome might be as a result of that and given the abilities these developers are able to squeeze out of hardware.


    It's pretty self evident. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:

    deeno's big 'got ya'  moment





    Not at all. What was clear from square one was you trying to come out and basically say "PS4 gets games while Xbox gets movies", that was the goal of your post and it was dumb.


    What you failed to account for and didn't think of was the fact that the Xbox One X/S has a 4K Bluray player which the PlayStation 4 in any capacity does not have. You tried to take a stab at Xbox while simultaneously not thinking through that you're actually giving the system ammunition and a leg up against the PlayStation at the same time. 


    You insulted the Xbox One and the PS4 in one post, the latter of which was unintentional, because you're fucking stupid and don't think things through. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    You can feel the WOOSH as it goes over his head. :rawf: 

    What I can't feel is any kind of explanation as to what is going over my head which you've completely failed to elaborate on. As I said I'm not missing anything here but you keep professing that I am, so what is it?

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