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Posts posted by DynamiteCop

  1. 15 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:

    jon theres a reason vegas doesnt accept superbowl bets at halftime :hest:

    So what you're saying is that his bet is a sure thing and it would be stupid to accept it? Is that what you're saying?

  2. 4 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Congratulations, you have ascended. You may always be wrong but at least you were the only lemming that doesn't post like a 12 year old. They have done a number on you. 

    When in Rome. 

  3. Just now, Remij_ said:

    Gamespot 9/10

    IGN 9.2

    Meta 91


    If it got 10/10 at GS I'd be floored.. I hope I'm wrong :smoke: 

    From what I've seen they pulled out all the stops for this game, it looks bigger and better in every way so it's possible. A 10/10 for a racer is unheard of but this game could actually pull it off. 

  4. Let's see what you've got ladies, if there was one racing game to get a 10/10 it would be this one. Everything about it looks to have been stepped up, graphics, environments and interaction, weather system, seasons being added, fully persistent online world, 60 FPS option on the X etc. 


    GS: 10/10

    IGN: 9.2/10

    Meta: 93/100




  5. 2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    The flat out say the lighting and shadows look better.. and while the puddle scene composition looks better in the 2017 demo, the puddle wasn't removed for any technical reason but rather likely an artistic reason due to the amount of time it would take to do that for every scene... so instead they fall back on screen space reflections and less accurate cube maps so that reflections are consistent throughout.


    That's hardly saying what you guys were in the other thread that it was "downgraded" implying that the hardware wasn't capable...

    The game is dropping down to 1584p and 900p with temporal injection, it's already operating at substandard resolutions even with advanced rendering reprocessing the image. I'd say it's pretty safe to assume changes made were because of hardware demands. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Vini said:


    For the most part there's still framerate issues  in high density areas but nothing game breaking. 


    They need to get that hammered out whether they have to dial back resolution or whatever, outside of the pre-game zone it needs to be a stable 30. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Dead game :face:


    Epic came and ate it for breakfast. 

    Yeah, it's sure doing horrible :snoop:






    I can't think of a better analogy for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, in the heads of you weirdo's you think that because something isn't first that it's failing, moronic beyond belief. 


  8. 4 minutes ago, Bodycount NX said:

    they probably have one year, I think it came out in november or december last year for xbox.


    We'll probably hear about it soon enough, as unfortunate as that is. Got my fingers crossed PS4 owners will NEVER get to play this great game! :glad: 

    It might have been a straight console exclusive, it does say it on the box, also bear in mind this post-dates the "console launch exclusive" moniker which is not on its packaging.





  9. 7 hours ago, The Mother Fucker said:

    I take it you are not interested in cars and whats under hood to see this paralell I created?


    Expand your interests. Only talking about game consoles suck.  I just brought up cars engines and computer processors, now discuss...

    I get what you said, I just haven't the faintest idea why you did though. It's a weird post.

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