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DynamiteCop last won the day on April 5

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  1. The excuses are already piling up lol, the chances of this actually being a noteworthy game are slim. Outside of the sexy protagonist it looks like an average Soulslike imitation which NEVER land.
  2. Their last released game was in October with absolutely nothing in sight until undisclosed dates in 2025. That is really fucking bad.
  3. Yeah, because I've spent 20 1/2 years on this platform and purchased over 1,000 games as a ruse. You're dumb.
  4. Why would I care? I only ever played this game on PC.
  5. PS4 Pro was a 2.3x upgrade over the PS4, Xbox One X was a 4.58x upgrade over the Xbox One. This is a 1.44x upgrade over the PS5. Absolutely pointless pile of nonsense milking garbage.
  6. They're all pointless, it's some retard ego stroke that does nothing. At least when buying and playing Steam games you get points and cards to customize your profile, startup animations etc.
  7. I think the lunatics are starting to accept that Sony games on PC are not going anywhere. They're sounding super defeated.
  8. The games are already resolving to 4K with alternative rendering good enough to not have a care in the world, and the games are mostly all 60 FPS. Sell me this machine.
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