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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Yawn indeed. Another argument where you got fucking owned and you call me an Xbox fanboy Oh no , I liked xbox and talked about it on a game forum. Meanwhile , you're fucking dumb and come here only to argue politics. Like I said , look how happy you were that this thread was made . It's the only joy you get in your miserable life . bu bu you like xbox!! at least i like something you miserable fuck
  2. Obviously their big games don't meet expectations and nor do the small games. When you release games the way they do it's nobody's fault but their own.
  3. Look at yours. Remember, you're a 40 year old miserable man that comes to a game forum to argue your political beliefs on a forum of 8. You can't even do that well so then you just make up lies And in the process you get destroyed then pull the classic "look , over there" typical , bitter lefty LOL
  4. These final fantasy games flopping should be a sign to se that they messed up. Only making big budget AAA games hasn't gone well for many. Every day we see new layoffs from X company. At this point may as well sell to Sony ans let them take the loss.
  5. It was never like this until Trump. I don't know what cause people to lose their minds. Everyone just hops in their ecochamber of hate. Both extreme sides do not have any sense. It's their way or no way and the left especially is extremely hateful , and vocal. It's so weird to see that people can't come to common ground because of an obsession of hate. No far side political people are happy people.
  6. Gas prices going up , thanks bidone Anyone who doesn't face the reality that common goods are much more expensive now are lying to themselves. Imagine being ok with spending more money just to defend your lefty position. Families that weren't struggling before , are now. New homeowners , rental prices ....having kids. Yikes. Actual brainwashed people lying because they are so obsessed with hating Trump. Selfish people.
  7. Damn , going Sony exclusive for select FF games literally killed the creative side of SE. No more cool smaller games from SE. Only bloated mini game filled junk. Wonder what was all canceled? Thanks Sony
  8. No, you are too butthurt and obsessed to admit that I didn't. You're a liar. Weird old liar that makes things up. Take the L and stfu, liar.
  9. Buttttt how will it chart in UK sales on Tuesday of it's 3rd week on sale LET ME CHECK MY NOTES
  10. It's not that serious guyz.....buttt ackshawly
  11. Lmfao goobs is soo fucking bothered by xbox games
  12. Oh , so I didn't. Why are you a liar ? I tell you lie all the time and you deny it. You say show me. I show you everytime. You make up arguments. You change arguments. You do exactly as you say others do. Meanwhile they don't even do what you say . This is pathetic. You lose every single argument. You are honestly a miserable liar that craves attention and you lie to get it and create fake lefty arguments just to continue on your lies. Sad
  13. Tried it on PC and its exactly the same as far as i could tell. I dont understand how the load times are also so bad. Maybe on console there is a bigger difference but i saw none on PC.
  14. I'm still waiting ( as you change you argument) for you to show me where I spoke about the woke.
  15. Corpos have more power than the president ? That's a scary thought.
  16. The last thing I would want to do at my age is get into a fight. Unless it was for my life or someone did something awful to someone close to me I'm walking away from any physical confrontation. As for Mike Tyson, he would kill basically anyone that doesn't have professional fighting experience and even then he would beat majority of fighters too regardless of age. 50+ is when old people strength kicks in especially considering he has been strong as fuck his whole life , lmao no way would I fight mike Tyson. He would kill me easily without me even understanding what wa
  17. Where did I say anything about woke ? Oh look , you're doing what you say everyone else does...AGAIN
  18. Oh look you are doing what you say everyone else does because you lost the argument , badly.
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