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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. Just now, madmaltese said:

    You've seen more shit movies than good movies this year, so obviously it's better to watch shit movies in 4K HDR than the best movies of the year :grimace1:

    I wouldn't play Spiderman or Detroit if I had a PS4 . Gow is the only game I would play . That's not worth it .

    I had a PS4 . Never used it .


    I don't care about your irrelevent game award show awards lmfao . Fucking sheep 

  2. I like how you finish with playing the best multiplats on PC . That's exactly my point idiot .


    I don't have time for 4 platforms . For gamers it comes down to xbox PS4 and PC . I have 2 of the why would I buy a dust collector for 1 ...maybe 2 games a year ? 


    Edit , 5 platforms if you are including VR rofl

  3. Its best on a console I have . It's best on Xbox console .

    Slightly higher resolution ? Lol 


    Every game is best on X . Average games ? Sorry , you play more multiplats than sony exclusives. 

    Everyone here does .


    You can down play all you want to do know suck Sony but having a few exclusives a year doesn't beat having the best versions of all the games we play the rest of the year 

  4. 1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

    you mean like:


    Detroit: Become Human - 4 nominations

    Spider-man - 6 nominations

    God of War - 8 nominations


    Sea of Thieves - 0 nominations

    State of Decay 2 - 0 nominations

    Forza Horizon 4 - 2 nominations



    Yeah some awards for a few games you play for a week from some dbag host you guys used to TRASH for being a supposed Xbox fanboy LMAO 


    Then the 90 percent of games you play thru the rest of the year are WORST on PS4 .


    That's why you spent 2000 on a PC you use a lot more than PS

  5. 1 hour ago, TLHBO said:

    Oh fucking please :D you lemmings have been making this out to be an all-time classic for years now.


    I mean how many games do you lemshits go back to play and then brag about on here when they get an X patch? Witcher 3? Old CoD? You and Deeno did them all :D

    I don't go back and play many open world games . This is 5 years old . I've no desire to play again.  It was a fantastic game tho 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Because it wouldn't make any sense... lmao


    If they're fucking around making a PC version, it's literally nothing to update the game on X.  It would be funny because it's like a slap to the face of those who've been asking for it since before the X even released lmmao.

    For all 30 people that would go back and play it ? I'm sure they will get over it .


    Ms SHOULD have updated it when X came out . Pointless now. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    And so?  Them directly handling the game?  I wouldn't be so sure of that.  I mean, you use Quantum Break as an example but that was a game that was being ported to PC and wasn't even going to get an X1X patch until a single person on the team decided to take matters into his own hands and do it.. lmao.  MS showed no interest in updating that game... a game which, like Sunset OD, they don't have much interest in returning to in the future.


    I feel like if this was a thing MS was really pushing for, then we would have heard about it already.  They would have announced it and made at least a bit of a deal out of it.


    I'm gonna laugh my fucking ass off if it's not X1X updated though :D 

    Why would you laugh ? It's like the sneak MEA patch that's actually good ...but for what purpose .

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