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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Bu but I predicted dis Fake sheep Fake cow Fake man
  2. And you're not a sheep . Is this so hard to prove me wrong ? Apparently so . Lmao
  3. I don't like the combat like that . I keep instinctively hitting the bumper to evade . How are you at level 30 . Damn
  4. We all see right through you . What a dumbass non gamer RRUULLLL
  5. All the fuck ups Goober has made ITT and he KEEPS GOING
  6. look at all that effort to admit you cant do it You are NOT a sheep WHY YOU ALWAYS LYIINN
  7. lets start with the original topic ….that you ran from No, you cant. Cause its true. Prove me wrong Ill wait....forever, cause you wont LMFAO
  8. Not one sheep defending themselves lmfao
  9. I just bought the game. If it sucks you owe me a steam game
  10. Like the thread said, the sheep are DEAD LOL
  11. Looks like you are the one who is trapped
  12. Mad? You've proved my point without me even trying annnnnnnnd youre 40 and live with your brother. Who takes care of who? LMFAO
  13. You were never on topic. You never are. You literally repeat the same shit in every thread lmfao Jerry, if you were as smart as you think you are....you wouldn't be a 40 year old living with your brother ROFL
  14. Youre not a sheep lmfao . You never play Ditch. I doubt you even have one. Prob your brothers cousin or whoever the fuck you live with
  15. Hes fucking everything up itt Dumb as rock lmfao
  16. Well as we can all see, Jerry hasn't even tried to tell us he is a sheep . Cause the sheep have died.
  17. Truly stupid . I love the fake sheep just pretend to be dumb on purpose now . All of them
  18. Lmao cuckerson hides behind PS4 so hard he uses ps4 numbers i can see him pulling out hair as he corrects his numbers in his trapper keeper filled with charts and shit lmfao
  19. Jerry will respond , and he is owned ! Dumb NPChurey You're not a sheep Jerry , you're not a cow either . You're just obsessed
  20. Jerry just proving the thread right , lol ...and too dumb to know it
  21. Maybe I'll buy it if I ever finish fo4. Nv looks like mud
  22. Lmao Jerry doesn't even deserve to wear red . He isn't a sheep
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