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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. 23 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    Gamepass for 1 dollar should really tell you all you need to know about the "value" of this service and how appealing it is.

    It's gonna be funny next gen when you love Sony Pass , like everyone else will :juggle:

    You might not have a choice ROFL

  2. 14 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    I was wondering what this thread was going to be all about, a new game called Fortune Island??? Nope, just more Forza again. :tom:

    lmao stfu and go play 5.0 Diahcaca :D

  3. Gamepass is legit fucking awesome. I think CD3 MP looked pretty cool. And Phil says he is gonna fix the w10 store. ROFL, lets hope so.


    Was hoping for GamePass on PC. Oh well, soon enough.


    MS has so many fucking studios now. Anyone pretending that MS isn't staying a key playing in gaming is delusional

  4. The point is THEY are there. Without all of the bullshit regulations YOU created in your mind .


    Look at you still obsessed with winning an argument , you change and make up just to win :D that is opinion based an unwinnable :D


    Your scummy ass doesn't even care about the problem you just want to win . 


    You're a sad dude .  Go cry to the mods again ....oh , they don't care and also know you're dumb as fuck . Lol

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