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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. Again, I'm not talking about politicians .


    Again , you are clueless and create new arguments .


    You disagree with me , then don't know the facts so change your mind then add another piece (pointless piece) to the argument so you can win something that isn't winnable .


    It's pointless talking to you . You fight with yourself more than anyone here and that's all why nobody can take you serious .


    You live in your own world and when that gets challenged you just create a new one .


    You're a joke buddy and you are not smart like you think . 

  2. 3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    He is now saying that the media is "alt left"???????


    So basically he's not even really trying to make a genuine argument, anymore.  he's just trying to name-call his way out of this. Yeah, that won't work, either.

    Yeah that won't work 


    Nothing will work with you because you refuse to see anything outside of what your feable mind sees :D


    I think a small minority would be against it . I think the vast majority would be fine with mental health background checks .


    I mean , some states already are .



  3. Because you just place random thoughts you come up with as fact :D


    You're stupid and only care about telling yourself you won . You won't stop telling yourself you win no matter how hard you lost .


    Gun control isn't and won't be the only reason people vote for X side . So relying just on voters won't change that .

    Higher power needs to change that .


    REAL people that aren't political puppets have lots more to think about .

  4. 14 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Sorry, you seem to be trying to obfuscate your argument (probably because you're losing).


    We are talking about REAL SOLUTIONS to the problem.


    Real solutions have to involve policy.


    Policy has to involve politicians.


    The only people that matter are the ones who influence policy through the politicians they choose. (aka actual voters)


    You're trying to make excuses to not argue in any specific detail...................not gonna work with me.

    Here you go , making something you cannot win about you winning . You're a scum bag :D


    youre while thing is about pissing off 2ndA supporters then claim it's only about politicians . News flash , half the country don't give a fuck about politics .

    And the ones who do are not all alt left or right . That's a small community of fucktards . Yourself included .


    Who cares about pissing off politicans .


  5. 4 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    sorry, you are not depicting republicans accurately.


    Republican politicians take pledges to abide by all positions that the NRA promotes, and they get graded on how they align themselves to NRA positions.




    Gee, sure does seems like almost all republicans seem to align themselves with that organization that YOU just classified as "extremist"

    I don't give a fuck about these old ass politicians . Im talking about normal people

  6. Just now, jehurey said:

    No. the average right-winger is against "big government".


    a national registry that is tied to guns is basically the cornerstone of right-wing bogeyman nightmares.


    i am NOT talking about a niche right-wing minority. Not even close.


    This is a standard position of the NRA.........are you calling them an extremist outlier?

    Hell yeah the NRA are extremists . Idiot.

    Like I said, you don't recognize the vast majority of people that are in the middle.

  7. Just now, jehurey said:

    no, 2nd amendment people correlate highly.HIGHLY with being anti-big-government


    you can try arguing that............but you're definitely not going to come close to discrediting that.


    they are, after all, two huge tenets of today's right-wing ideology.

    So the extremists would be against that. I know you live in a world that's only alt left and alt right. Youre leaving out a ton of people. Who cares what the vocal minority says.

  8. 2 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Planning to finish the campaign within the 10 hour trail limit? Or play MP?

    You only get the intro and the first story. So probably only a couple hours worth of SP. Ill play that 


    MP no thanks, I don't like BF MP

  9. 3 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Another new game jonb? Poor games getting used abused and tossed aside daily :( 



    Will defs check it out later though. But too much stuff atm

    EA access trial

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