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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    So it seems like you just admitted that you only defend white people.


    No.......I started talking about social-outcast people, which is a clear reference to mental health...............from my very first post.


    Sorry..........but you want to talk about me to DERAIL this thread............you just admitted.


    Its not going to work.

    Im not defending anyone LMFAO. 

    You talked (jokingly) about social outcast WHITE people. Then got mad when I said not all of them are killers.

  2. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    then go post somewhere else.


    we're here to talk about this mass shooting, and what needs to be done.  Go make a thread to make your Jerry fan fic.  Thanks.

    Ill post where I want, bitch.


    You don't want to talk about the mass shooting. You want to create and argument just to win it.


    Just to push your lefty hate and pat yourself on the back

  3. 12 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    except i wasn't. and so far, you haven't said anything that debunks anything, or offers any meaningful addition. You just want to seem to want to provide obstacles and be against what other people are saying.


    If you have something to argue against, then let's hear it.


    Until then.............I'm making my statements, and will be continuing.

    I don't care what you say Jerry. Everything you say is just easy jokes to troll you because its so fucking stupid :D


    Everything has been said, you admitted to changing the topic so there is no point. I even asked for your solution which you failed to respond with.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    He was assessed for mental health issuesz because he showed all the warning signs. 


    Yet.. he was allowed to purchase a gun legally. 


    Stricter gun control laws are needed in the US.    Yes... its not going to stop all mass killings. 


    But mentally unstable people should not be allowed to purchase guns legally. 

    I agree . I wasn't saying you were coming at it sideways . Jerry was 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    Ok, so you have issues with his generalizations... which is fair..... we shouldn't generalize an entire race based on a few bad apples.


    But I was asking about, why anytime discussion comes up about the issues with white people.... it is always interpreted as "we're being attacked". 


    Instead of "let's have a discussion about it". 



    There's a lot of fucked up white people no doubt.  Come at it with reasoning and not just pretending all white people are alt right killers . 

  6. 40 years old , lives with brother 

    No wife , no gf , no kids 

    Game forum superiority complex

    Wafer maker at assembly line

    Internet narcissist

    Spends weekends playing nephews Ditch

    Looks like toxic avenger 

    Hangs out at alt left rallies hoping to smash one of the purple hair PIG feminists

    Life goal to make a retro game cafe in a low rent strip mall 





  7. 1 hour ago, Bodycount NS said:

    Damn you're psychologically fucked beyond repair. :rofl: You're some pepperoni faced loser who got bullied by white guys and or is desperate for a white girlfriend but will never land one because you're ugly and foreign.  :rofl:

    Eat shit, Cuckold loser! :rofl: 

    It's funny how he talks about incels all the time when he IS one . But he isn't white so statistically he won't kill someone .


    He will just spend 15 years on the internet telling himself he is supoerior to the people that own him .

  8. You're generalizing.  In our lifetime mass shootings were a touch over 50 percent white guys .


    You are claiming a very specific kind of white person is doing this . Tho there are millions of millions of people that fit that same shoe and DONT kill people .


    You want so bad to make this a race thing . It's the bullied white kids , the lot of them ! 


    It's simply not the case .

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