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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. Anyone play this ? Seems like more old battlefield .

    Intro plays out the same as BF1 but a bit more interesting . Then you go to London , France where I'm at now .

    Graphics are good 

  2. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    But it did have something to do with it.


    You tried DOWNPLAYING the thread of bitter white people who want to commit violence by basically saying "oh.........its only 0.00001% because there's tens of millions."


    I simply took your logic and expanded on it. "Well, there's 1.5 billion Muslims out there, so their violent people is .0000000001%"


    I even said the term "microscopic percentages" to point out the silliness of it all.


    You tried a particular strategy, I highlighted its silliness. That's all.

    Man , you really hate white people don't you ?

    You pinned the reason for this happening because oh well it's an anti social virgin incel lolol  (described yourself) 


    That's not the reason . If it was there would be A LOT more killings . Most people aren't that crazy . They just take their frustration out by trying to be a bully on the internet (you) or just deal with it, grow out of it.


    Has nothing to do with Muslims. Stop generalizing to push your agenda .

  3. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    Ah, so we need to devote more resources into fighting white terrorism than muslim terrorism. Since there's about 1.5 billion muslims.


    If we were to compare the microscopic percentages, white guy terrorism is more prevalent by 100x, possibly 500x.


    That's alarming.

    Not sure how you brought a competition into what I said .

  4. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    Think about it.


    Its college night at a bar. This guy is seeing other 20-somethings, who go to college, so he clearly thinks that they are "elitists", and they are getting drunk, and grinding up against slutty girls.


    And then the bouncer at the bar is probably a black dude, and the thought of a black guy commanding him to show his ID just enrages him further.


    Bitter 20-something white guys who never got into social circles during college. There's alot of people who fit that mold.

    Yeah , probably tens of millions of them .  Probably something other than that , or else there would be a lot more killings 

  5. 46 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:


    so basically the type of games that best suit your current lifestyle are non-bloated single player games with a manageable length, games that PS4 specializes in with extremely high quality - but you cant allow yourself to embrace said games/console because fanboyism :tom: 

    lmao, like what? I have no interest in PS4 games. I would have kept mine if I did. Ill play Tlou2 on Ps5. IT has nothing else

  6. 51 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    So JonB, the same guy that is always judging how other people play their games, actually can't play games for more than a hour or two at a time and rarely ever finish his games to completion, and that is despite playing all of his games on the easiest difficulty levels.


    It only confirms what I already knew for years, all the ''you don't play games/you're a non-gamer :jonb: '' nonsense was nothing more than bitter self projection.  :tom: 

    I don't have time to knock out a 60 hour game quickly. I played FO4 for MONTHS and still didn't finish it yet. Assassins seems to be another HUGE game.

    Long games are hard to get thru because of the time commitment.


    BTW you are a non gamer. VR TrashCan gaming lmfao stfu 

  7. 5 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    I honestly think it's because you use Gamefly and Gamepass mostly. Not saying this as a negative thing but I remember when I use to have gamefly when I was younger, it always felt like you wanted to move on to the next thing because it is always there waiting for you. Even more so with gamepass cause of how easy it is to access. Since I buy nearly all my games now I finish pretty much everything. Paused AC for RDR2 but I will go back to it when I'm done with RDR2. Nothing else outside of Spyro I care about this year anyway (aside from Spidey DLC and Destiny DLC)

    I struggle to sit down and play games for hours and hours . When you told me you were level 30 in aco I was like wtf . I felt like I played that for hours and hours . I don't think I'm even 17 . I really liked that game.  I did gamefly it but I don't really want anything new to play ATM.


    That's why I enjoy games you can just play in bursts whenever you want , or short sp

    games .

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