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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Sheep are retarded Gooberson has a PC and PS4 he bought but doesn't use because he is an IRL fanboy lmao
  2. Yeah it really sucks . I mean I could just play horizon 4 on my Xbox and say you have been owned and be locked to one box or I could play horizon 4 on my Xbox , PC , tablet etc .
  3. There is no negative about this. Only IRL fanboys that force themselves to miss out because of fanboy locality to a company that cares Nothing About then lmao
  4. ? I'm more than willing to accept that the games I buy on Xbox I can also play on my PC or tablet for free . I'm 37 years old lmao thinking I give a fuck about teh exclusives . Idiots.
  5. Also the fact that your willing to drop a G on a chair means you sit your ass in a chair too much .
  6. I fucked my back up years ago . Slipped disc it's never been the same . Having your back go out is the most terrible pain I've ever felt in my life . I had to do PT for 3 months . I go thru phases with back issues and honestly the only shit that helps is stretching ( look on YouTube )and pushing yourself . The thing that works the least for me when I've having pain in resting . Power they that shit in a reasonable manner . Don't think you can do the shit you could do when you were 18 . Lift things properly , steady your posture and move around a lot .
  7. Probably from carrying the scythe around all day
  8. I'm guessing the first expansion will include dirt bikes and ATVs
  9. Lol it's true tho nobody today was talking about Connor losing , they were all talking how big a douche DoucheKabob is . Beat Conor but still lost lmao .
  10. Those guys that attacked conner could go to jail . Idiots . Has anything been said officially about 5his ?
  11. I have zero interest in this . Feels like I just picked up on a saved game from origins
  12. Making the UFC a joke like wwe
  13. Yeah this isn't even holding my interest for 30 minutes . If feels just like I continued playing origins .
  14. Very first impression of ACO is that the battle of the 300 was a boring uneventful letdown and this game feels and looks just like origins . That's only 20 minutes . Hopefully it changes up
  15. I thought Sony sheep didn't care about or want BC LOL
  16. Yeah, calling you a Dumbo is hard work LOL you stupid DUMBO
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