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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. Just now, Remij_ said:

    I've played a lot of them... mor than the Xbox games you gamefly and put in for 10 minutes just to take out :tom: 

    Gamefly games and if I don't like them send them back or be you and buy EVERY game and not play them  ROOOOFFLLL

  2. Just now, Remij_ said:

    Who the fuck in their right mind would play multiplats on Xbox? :mj: 


    Your Xbox achievements are even worse... in pretty much all the games both of us have played... I've got more than you :hest: 


    And what do you mean much like Steam?  My steam completion rate is probably higher than your Xbox completion rate :cruise: 



    Judging from your list, YOU :D Idiot


    You own 800 games and played 7 of them ROFL

  3. 10 minutes ago, kaz said:

    The gameplay was fun and the bit of the world you can explore in the demo but you notice fast that it's a bullet sponge game. Shoot at a target for 10 minutes. :yawn: 

    The first game was too. That's annoying. Lots of running backwards

  4. 12 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    My 2080ti is perfectly fine :juggle: 




    Shame shit...  Happens every launch.  People are just really vocal because they hate that Nvidia is successful while AMD is 2 generations behind :shrug: 


    These cards are beastly and destroy any console..  I'm glad you're starting to wake up to the allure of a powerful PC.. I'll be there to help guide you :wow2: 



    lmao you cant downplay the RRoN :D


    There is no allure. Its secondary gaming. Its ok, but secondary

  5. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    197 watts, 68 degrees under load

    That would probably be pushing it with my PSU.

    I wasn't expecting such a big jump. Looks like ill stick with a 1070 or 1080 if I upgrade

  6. 3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    266 watts, the entire Xbox One X at peak consumes 172 watts. In terms of heat output it's still more, just from the GPU lol.



    Even for the 2070? Damn.  Guess those are out of the question

  7. 2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    It doesn't matter.  We've seen it...  It's gonna shit all over RDR2 :shrug: 

    Maybe a little better. Doesn't matter, GRAPHICS KINGS BEST on Console :juggle:


    Ba Ba my 2080ti (that are all breaking down rofl)


    Remij what is the TDP on the new 20 series cards?

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