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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. 3 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Has some of the Batman  arkham games, has some lego games.

    A bunch of highly rated indies like The Witness, City Skylines, Sexy Brutale, Inside, War of Mine, Banner Saga, Trine, Oxenfree, prison architect, brothers, virginia, 

    Then random 3rd party games like Darksiders, Surge, rebel galaxy, Mad Max, Tropico.



    I have it. It has nothing like the variety of gamepass.

  2. 16 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Because there is no point.........which is what we are saying about the Xbox moving forward when all this streaming stuff goes ahead next gen on top of it already having zero exclusives for the Xbox. 

    Because EA doesn't make dedicated hardware? MS is a big name in the console space. Why stop making a console?

    That's dumb

  3. 17 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    How is that different from EA now though. Their Origin Access Premiere service is pretty much identical to Gamepass yet in SW terms they are just 3rd party and irrelevant. 

    But its almost all EA games exclusively. GamePass has games from everywhere.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    you had no choice but to change your stance.   You were against streaming,  PC gaming etc....... until MS announced that's their direction moving forward.....you immediately did a u turn.. lol

    I won't be streaming . I'll be playing on a dedicated box and PC. 

    I would try streaming . I'll play Sony Pass on PC , a few games .

  5. 42 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Where did I say to PS5 or Switch? I said exactly what you stated. PC or tablet. 


    LMAO, you had an Xbox when it was the worst version of multiplats, stop lying through your ass, you couldn't care less if it was best or worst, that is your system of choice. Xbox has spent more time this gen being the worst multiplat system as opposed to the 1 year of it being the best and yet you keep mentioning that over and over like you just jumped on the xbox bandwagon since the X :D


    lol most on PC. Name me a first party PS4 Sony game on PC? 

    You said anywhere 

  6. Who says you can stream to Ps5 or Ditch ?


    Same reason I have an Xbox now . Best version of all multiplats , best services . You think I'd choose to stream Forza Horizon when I could just play it on Xbox ?


    Ps exclusives do nothing for me . Almost all of them are on PC as well 

  7. Just now, jehurey said:

    Nope. The murder rate would go down.


    Hunters getting angry that they have to carry more mags is a small price to pay. LOL


    I love how the people PRETENDING to be outraged, are people who will never hunt. LOLOL

    Lol now I see why you have a keeper . You couldn't walk down the street with your helmet on :D

  8. Not sure why people refuse to see MS new stance on the Xbox brand .


    All 3 companies are doing something different . Everyone should be happy about that .


    Don't want an Xbox ? Ok they don't care , buy their games on PC . Take it with you on your phone . Hardware makes little to no money .

    • Upvote 1
  9. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    I'm not the one who melted down............and then brought up something from several months ago, crying. LOL

    Didn't think that one through, did you.

    You are melting down . Trying to get people banned and calling them alt right and racist because youre pissed .


    How bout you just STFU . Clown ass 

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