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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. Just now, jehurey said:

    And how many people do you expect to potentially try and commit this type of federal crime?


    Especially considering that they were "good" citizens to begin with that had clean records to begin with in order to obtain their guns in the first place?




    I'd say that a person could own two hand-guns, and one two-handed firearm.


    And, if you want we can add MORE LAWS. We can grandfather existing gunowners that have alot of guns..............we'll just tax the hell out of them for each one over the limit, each time they have to renew their gun license.

    I don't know why you INSIST on punishing the people that have guns and don't kill people. Makes ZERO sense.


    And you want the black market to GROW


    Are you retarded?

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    I like how he pretended that I didn't already talk about the FBI. Which is funny because it was mentioned in the same line in which I mentioned 5,000 ATF agents.


    LOL they're scrambling. You can tell they're getting madder.

    You don't even care. You just want an argument.

    Going right to you NPC punchlines.


  3. 1 minute ago, ghostz said:

    Yeah no shit a black market will grow, why are you acting like that’s a good thing? Lmao

    Basically Jerry wants the legal non criminals to be punished for owning guns so the black market can grow making it even EASIER for the psychos to get a gun and kill people.


    No worries tho because the 5000 ATF officers can handle that task . The ATF cant even handle Chicago FFS


    "very simple"

    • Haha 1
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