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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. 3 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Yea I checked, there's like 40h left.  I'll grab it tomorrow.


    What's the difference between the $5 version and the $40 verison? [st] ??

    one is 5 dollars and one is 40 :D


    I don't know honestly. Never heard of this game but for 5 bucks, fuck its dope as hell

  2. I think my PC was a good deal for 850. I can buy a 1070 and sell my 1060 for a hundo or so, IF I feel I need it. I only have one game on PC that taxes my GPU. Im playing PS3 quality fighting games for the most part LOL


    I think a 1080 will keep up with next gen if I stick with 1080 which I probably will because I don't see myself buying another 4k HDR tv soon.


    When gamepass comes to PC I may consider a 1070 or a 1080 if the prices become reasonable

  3. 46 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    That's not true though really... you spent $1000 at least on Xbox consoles... when buying a good PC would last you the entire thing and then some.


    I get that you don't want to deal with any other shit and just the ease of use of a console... but if you're not stupid with you PC, you generally wont have many issues.. and most issues are minor and easily solvable.


    I'd rather not have consoles anymore.  I want to cut all that shit out so bad.. but Nintendo and Sony always draw me in with their exclusives.  I really am close to saying fuck it though and just youtubing these cinematic exclusives.

    I have had no problems with my new PC outside of W10 games seemingly take double the space they should then giving it back randomly over the next few days. Weird.


    I think Xbox X and PC is the best combo, and hopefully Game Pass comes to PC soon.


    When 1070s hit 300 bucks ima pick one up and ride out the rest of this gen.  Once next gen comes tho im not spending another 1500 to keep up with consoles.

  4. 3 hours ago, -GD- said:

    oh he'll be back to hating pc again, once the machine freezes on him, due to user error,  or he gets stuck trying to open an unfamiliar file. 

    I prefer ease of use of console . I'm more familiar with PC than you .

    I don't hate it just think the money to keep.up with isn't worth it .

    To build a PC at X level costs almost 3 times as much 


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