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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. And I bought #reload cause why not. It was a couple bucks. Even tho I have about 5 physical copies of it .


    The latest KOF is still to damn expensive. I was gonna get the newest BB before tag but I cant even keep up with the revisions that game has had.

  2. Yeah that would go over well .

    Hey you own 6 guns , now you can't in anymore . More taxes for you so hopefully you don't decide to kill anyone with one of those six , and not the 7th you were gonna buy. 


    The number of guns out there is extreme . They won't go anywhere . They are there .


    Buyback programs are proven do not put a dent in anything . I don't really disagree with the rest of the stuff you said .


    Nothing you said will prevent someone who wants to get a gun from getting one tho . It will just upset the 99.9 percent of legal , safe gun owners .

  3. 2 hours ago, Remij_ said:

    Well even say the analog stick as normal except with force feedback.  The devs being able to adjust the force required for full movement.  The stick actually pushing back on your thumb.  That shit would be rad.


    And yea, gyro is a no brainer at this point.  Hopefully they all include it so that devs become more willing to support it.

    Force feedback on the sticks would be cool but would probably kill battery life and not last long at all .

  4. Rockstar took sonys marketing money to polish the X version and give Sony fans a bunch of trash :D pro owners are forcing their output to 1080p and are telling us Pro wasn't a mistake ? :D


    please Sony , please pay for for marketing deals you can have all the 30 day exclusive outfits you can handle , I'll take the massively supoerior version of the game .


    Rockstar biggest trolls in the business LOL 

    • Upvote 1
  5. 3 hours ago, jehurey said:

    what are you talking about? all guns can easily be controlled.


    guns are made by limited amount of manufacturers, and could be controlled from that point.


    that's why i specifically said that Switzerland has a higher rate of adults with guns.. The US number is inflated by gun owners who own many guns..


    Last time I checked, gun owners only have two hands.

    You can't control guns already out there which is over 300 million in USA


    You're comparing a country with the population of NYC with a country with over 300 million people , and the same or more guns 

  6. Just now, Cookester15 said:

    I don't know the answer to that. BUT logically speaking it would make a difference, no matter how small, some prevention of murder must be worth inconveniencing gun buyers right?  Is ease of purchase really more important than possibly preventing the death of some school kids? 

    I think making it harder to get guns could possibly prevent normal gun related deaths ( which are a bigger problem tbh , nobody talks about that tho )


    I don't think it would stop mass killings . If you're the kind of person that can put your gun on a 95 year old lady or a 13 year old kill and still be able to pull the trigger...I don't think a longer wait period would stop that. 



    • Upvote 1
  7. Just now, Cookester15 said:

    No... But having to second guess yourself may prevent it all together. A murderer may have a change of hard if his or her plans are foiled. Im sure you could have figured this out. 

    So your argument is based on "maybes"


    How many mass killings took place directly after someone bought a gun ? Honest question .


    Also let's remember buying a gun at a store is not the only way to get a gun. 

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