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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. 15 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

    I can tell you why


    Better gun regulation and stricter rules. Guns do not need to be outlawed but they need to be more difficult to obtain so you cant just buy one on a whim and go on a shooting rampage. Also better public education in every other first world country. Home schooling? lmao that should be outlawed


    So murderers can still murder , they just have to wait a little bit longer ? 


    Problem solved. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    No other first world country in the world has this type of thing happen on the regular, Slow Johnny.  Why not?

    There is no answer . What do you think ? 


    Do other countries have more guns than people ?

    Do other countries have "the right to bear arms"

    Do other countries people hold such importance on that ?

    There are a lot of crazy Americans . You can't compare America to other countries because shocker, not all countries are obsessed with their rights , and guns .


    Guns could have been 100 percent banned and this incident would have still happened.  Why ? 


    You can't forecably take people's guns because that would start a war within ourselves .


    Maybe you should phone up Mr Trump and tell him you have a sloution to murder . 


    Now quit being the idiot calling people slow ....because nothing really registers in your head expect for fantasy . 

  3. 30 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Dyno and jonb are so cute together.

    Dyno acting like they are an old married couple 'oh I played enough for both of us' :grimace1:. Like he's providing for the family. I have enough hours of rdr2 that jonb can play something else. :mj: 

    Then jonb just cheerleads him in every thread. It's sweet 



    Looks who cares too :D

    awweee the dumbo mod buddies LOL

  4. 21 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    No time for the best game, best on X? :drake: 


    Would rather play Under Night on Steam :hest: 


    It's ok, I get it. :mjgrin:

    I'm playing 3 long ass games that I'm enjoying . So yeah , I don't have time for another massive game right now .


    It's still best on X . And yeah I'm getting Under Night . It owns :juggle:

  5. 8 minutes ago, Voidler said:

    By that logic I should be able to go get a gun which used to be legal quite easily in Australia right?


    Making guns illegal, reducing the amount of guns in the country naturally makes them harder to get and it makes them more expensive as well




    America isn't Australia

    There are more guns in America, than people


    How do you get rid of those guns? Americans are VERY protective of their gun rights. There are buyback programs ALL the time. Nothing changes.


    Getting an illegal gun, is CHEAPER than a legal gun. You think its hard to get an illegal gun FFS. You don't know America


    You refuse to acknowledge these things.

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