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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. 9 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    Listen. PS4 1.8 tflops to 6tflops is less than 4x the jump in GPU performance.


    Depending on how lucky we get the CPU jump (Clock, features, how scaled back it is from the native PC CPU) from Ryzen on the CPU front is 6-12x as much. The jump we're going to get from X's 2.3ghz Jaguar CPU in a mere 2 years is exponetial.


    You got to understand if we take the Pro or X for example, they have CPU limitations gimping the GPU on how much shit they can render on screen, from popin and shadows.


    If even the Pro had a CPU 2x the power and the memory bandwidth ALL modern consoles games would run at 1440p 60fps locked,


    Forget fanboyish for a second, thats how hardware and numbers work. X had an increase in over 4x the GPU but barely 44% CPU increase. It's unbalanced trash being limited by AMD tech that came out in 2017, and after it increased not only by a lot. But exponetially.

    I'm not disagreeing with anything you are saying . I am saying there is no excuse for this game to run like this even with it's current cpu

  2. This upcoming gen will most likely be the last gen for all hardware .


    I'm not buying a PS4 or ditch , just like your not buying an Xbox .


    If I could turn on the Nintendo app on my firestick I'm giving Nintendo money .


    This isn't a hard concept . Devs are already trying this on Ditch . Sony already has a weak version of this . Google is getting into this .


    It's the future if you want to admit it or not .

  3. Just now, Goukosan said:

    More Boxes sold = more software sold are you that dense? 


    Of course they cared about userbase... userbase of XB1s drives software sales, XBL subs, Gamepass subs etc. 


    Aza is right.... Lemmings have gone full on delusional.

    Ok you really are dumb . They are taking away the limitation of the box .


    The box will be right there for people who want it . 


    You're stupid .  So ...so dumb 

  4. 22 minutes ago, -GD- said:

    their last games were terrible. 

    Idk about that . Campaign wise they weren't the best , but they were still pretty good .

    Halo 5 mp is the best Halo mp has ever been . And gears mp is gears mp and having that at 60fps for the first thing was pretty cool thing .


    Not being the best campaign in the franchise doesn't mean the games are dead 

  5. 34 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    People want the box with exclusives you delusional fuck, especially if it's cheaper.

    The box isn't what Ms cares about . The box is there for userbase . What Ms is doing is gaining a much bigger userbase for the people that don't want to buy a 400 500 dollar box .


    Nobody is making much money off the box . They make money on the software sold for that box .


    Are you really this stupid ?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    XBox on Switch will do MAJOR damage to the XBox hardware. If they go the full distance with PS5, the XBox will merely be a transition brick before streaming can take off.


    Lemmings are in a cognitive disonnance again if hardware or streaming matters more. Phil fucked them good. God bless him

    What are the negatives ? People who still want the most powerful game box can buy an Xbox .

    And people who want to stream games on tablets and phones can do so .


    Ms wants you to subscribe to the service .  . They don't care where you do it .


    You're an idiot lol 

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