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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Its because I don't give a fuck about Spider-Man. If it was batman or xmen mayve id give a shit
  2. You are comparing the traversal in sunset to SM? Which are 100 percent different? lol
  3. Xbox shares 90 percent of it's library with PS4 and vice versa . Xbox has the best versions of all of those games .
  4. May as well just buy a pre built Dell
  5. Gpu 250 - 280 Cpu 180 - 200 Ram 130 - 150
  6. What's the newest roller coaster game ?
  7. lmfao sighing out and browsing because you think its shameful to post on fucking labor day lmfao
  8. Nerds waiting to spend a week on Cuckoman pretending they had some fantastic labor day festivities LMFAO
  9. lmfao, youre WEAK You cucks only use GS when it benefits you MC or bust, or STFU
  10. Nobody posts for a week, now everyone is here You guys were honestly scared lmfao All for an AA Meta game . lmfao
  11. sometimes. I wouldn't play portable anyway. You guys don't either. Its just an excuse to downplay the shit graphics on Ditch
  12. Ask for a bet, get a lot of alt left scumbags calling me an incel when THEY are the incels If you fags cant stay on topic, just ignore the thread LMAO
  13. I like a lot of games I thought I would hate
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