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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. 34 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    People want the box with exclusives you delusional fuck, especially if it's cheaper.

    The box isn't what Ms cares about . The box is there for userbase . What Ms is doing is gaining a much bigger userbase for the people that don't want to buy a 400 500 dollar box .


    Nobody is making much money off the box . They make money on the software sold for that box .


    Are you really this stupid ?

  2. 7 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    XBox on Switch will do MAJOR damage to the XBox hardware. If they go the full distance with PS5, the XBox will merely be a transition brick before streaming can take off.


    Lemmings are in a cognitive disonnance again if hardware or streaming matters more. Phil fucked them good. God bless him

    What are the negatives ? People who still want the most powerful game box can buy an Xbox .

    And people who want to stream games on tablets and phones can do so .


    Ms wants you to subscribe to the service .  . They don't care where you do it .


    You're an idiot lol 

  3. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    Suddenly Hellblade matters to cows again. These psychos always find a way to shift the goalposts.

    It's funny when it came to Xbox and the Sony sheep were like no big deal , not even a good game .


    Now they are jumping with joy because they have an inferior copy on a disc to stack next to their other inferior discs :D

  4. 28 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    Sony opened up 3 VR studios in one year alone, expanded Guerilla into a two game studio from one, open up an AAA budget studio to take over Uncharted. Santa Monica will expand to handle God of War 2 and a new Cory Balrog IP.


    That's literally 6 new game teams in one year, and thats what we alone.

    And that's what we alone ? 


    Counting VR studios lmao . That's a difference console .

  5. 19 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    After bashing sheep for years for profit talk, now they are talking about a lose of exclusives in the future as good MS profits. :kaz: 


    So sane person outside of fanboy brand loyalty will get the next XBox lol.

    Ms buying up studios left and right . Their first party beats up on Sony now . Why buy a ps5? Worse versions of all games and worst exclusives . Yuck 

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