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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. 28 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    Sony opened up 3 VR studios in one year alone, expanded Guerilla into a two game studio from one, open up an AAA budget studio to take over Uncharted. Santa Monica will expand to handle God of War 2 and a new Cory Balrog IP.


    That's literally 6 new game teams in one year, and thats what we alone.

    And that's what we alone ? 


    Counting VR studios lmao . That's a difference console .

  2. 19 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    After bashing sheep for years for profit talk, now they are talking about a lose of exclusives in the future as good MS profits. :kaz: 


    So sane person outside of fanboy brand loyalty will get the next XBox lol.

    Ms buying up studios left and right . Their first party beats up on Sony now . Why buy a ps5? Worse versions of all games and worst exclusives . Yuck 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    You need block Busters/must have games first and foremost to get people to get the service. 


    Once you have that then indies, smaller games, mod tier games etc will keep your base engaged.  This is the icing... not the main course..... No one is buying a system specifically to play indies.... indies, mid tier etc are a supplement. 




    It's like you don't understand any type of nuance in any discussion. :interesting:

    What was Ditch's last blockbuster?

  4. 6 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    doesn't hurt MS.... its Hurts Xbox1 hardware.... how many different ways do you want people to say the same shit to you until it sinks in? lol


    But again... for it to be a success it has to have a better first party line up than what MS is currently delivering. 


    No one will be paying for a streaming service to play sea of Thieves, State of Decay and Lucky's tail. 

    It hurts Ms hardware but does not hurt MS ? I'm still looking for the negative ??


    You repeated about sot and sod which was wrong the first time you said it and is still wrong . Those games had and have millions of players . People ARE playing those games .

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